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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    North Carolina

    Question Does anyone understand you?

    As for me, only one member of my family actually sympathizes--my thirteen year old sister. She's mildly emet too. My mother pretends to be considerate, but around other people, she treats it like a joke and makes it seem like I just want attention. My father doesn't really care either way, just gets annoyed when I won't watch things on tv.

    My previous boyfriend sort of understood, but became exasperated often. My current boyfriend sympathizes and will go out of his way to make sure I don't have to be see/hear or even hear about anything. It's rather sweet, but I feel bad that he feels the need to do it.

    What about the rest of you?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Alabama, USA

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    When I was really phobic, no one knew. I was good at hiding it. I came close to having to explain it when a friend felt my heart racing. I told him I was just anxious about going on carnival rides! I guess it is a "guy thing" not to admit you are having panic.

    Now that I'm alot better, several folks know I have a 'thing' about puking. My best friend knew the whole story and how bad I used to be. I told him everything from the beginning and he was very supportive. But during my phobic phase I didn't tell anyone how bad it was.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    north carolina, usa

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    i never told anyone either.......till this year when i told my mom and my husband....im 58 years old.......i still deal with the panic better when i'm alone.....i guess i don't want anybody asking me about it.......my husband knows not to talk to me about it unless i bring it up.........it's weird but i felt less stress keeping it to myself......didn't want to feel like people were "watching" me and waiting for me to freak out......hope that makes sense......
    how i feel about emet
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My husband knows, and my parents and sister know. I feel like my parents and sister sympathize but don't understand as much. My husband however used to get panic attacks and has mild anxiety, so I feel he understand my anxiety, but my fear not so much. He keeps telling me its not that bad and that its all in our heads.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My family are incredibly supportive, I couldn't be more happy with the way they deal with it, but i'd have to say that my best friend is the one who truly understands, and she's not scared of it at all. While my family console me after i've seen something I don't want to, she kind of goes out of her way to prevent it happening.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    I've talked with it openly to both my mom and dad. Mom seems to understand and sympathize but I think it's becuase she already knew. She would always clean me up and take really specific care of me when I was younger and had a SV or was sick. I think my dad understands but doesn't really get the full extent of it. I think my boyfriend struggles to understand what goes on in my mind when it comes to this, but he's experienced one of my full blown panic attacks before and had to deal with me being jumpy and distant from him for almost a week after it. (He v* right next to me on a camping trip and I freaked out.) He's supportive and will help me through the panic though, even if he doesn't understand it fully, he knows that's it's a very big piece of me.

    I don't think my brothers know the extent of my dislike for v*. I know they know I have a problem with it, but I don't think they know it's a real phobia of mine.

    My friends know about it, but they don't know what to do to help me through an attack or how to talk to me about it. So it's mainly just something we try to avoid talking about and they don't ask me why I'm covering my eyes or plugging my ears at certain parts of movies. :P

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I'm originally from Fort Worth, TX, but right now I live in Columbia, Missouri (for college.)

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My parents know... My dad's a psychologist, so I think he's pretty understanding and such. He tries to tell me that v* is nothing to fear.. and that it's just unpleasant and that's it. It won't kill you. The thing is...I know that it won't kill me... I just have the conditioned response to panic/shake/cry whenever I'm around it or I feel like it might happen to me. My mom, on the other hand, doesn't really understand. She's not really rude about it... but she's not exactly nice about it, either. She's like "oh, Mere, get over it" kind of. And my fiance knows, and he is extremely supportive of me. He doesn't have the phobia, though at all. He understands it though, I believe, and he has told me that in the future, when we have kids, he will take care of them when they're sick. He's a great guy, and I'm very lucky.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Englanddd :)

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My godmother does Cause she's emet (worse than me!) and one of my friend does a little, but thats probably cause she's there for me when I freak out My mum & dad are annoying about it though, they just don't get it x
    "I aspire to be greater than my nature will allow"
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My mom and dad know. And actually a few of my close friends. My Dad is not supportive because I think he is a mild emet...he doesnt like v* and if hes around someone who is sick he has to leave or he will get sick. haha. My mom tries really hard to understand. But she always comforts me when I feel ill. I actually just had a long discussion with my boyfriend about my phobia last nite and he told me that he wanted to try to understand my phobia better and wanted to help me as best as he could. S0 sweet! =] My past relationships...the guys would hold my emet against me and make fun of me for it. It is really discouraging when others just say "get over it...its just puke" HAHA easy for them to say!

    I just found out that one of my older cousins (shes like 40?) suffers from emet too! She told me she will do whatever it takes to not v* BUT she CAN handle other people's v*. Ha...I wish I didnt fear getting sick myself!
    "This too shall pass"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Massachusetts/New Orleans

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    Most of my family knows that i have Emetophobia, and so do the kids and teachers at school because I chose it as a subject for a speech we had to do. But I think that the only person who really gets me is my mom because I feel like I'm talking to myself when I talk to her... but she has no problem with v* ing like I do.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I'm living in Florida

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My mom understands me. I have mild hypoglicemia (Which makes me feel quesy and jittery when I don't eat protein.) and every time I get it when I'm at school I call her and she always picks me up. When I don't feel well and start freaking out she says "Anna stop pacing, you're just making yourself feel worse." and then gets me to sit in bed with her and we watch a movie. My dad just thinks my fear is silly. He doesn't make fun of me, but he always says "It's no big deal." My school nurse and my math teacher don't understand me at all. Whenever I don't feel well and go to the nurse, she's just like "Ugh, okay Erin, what is it this time?" I tell her I feel sick (she knows about my fear) and she just rolls her eyes, gives me a trash can, and says coldly "If your going to # ,do it in here." So yeah, my mom is pretty much the only one who understands me.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Massachusetts/New Orleans

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinForester View Post
    Whenever I don't feel well and go to the nurse, she's just like "Ugh, okay Erin, what is it this time?" I tell her I feel sick (she knows about my fear) and she just rolls her eyes, gives me a trash can, and says coldly "If your going to # ,do it in here." So yeah, my mom is pretty much the only one who understands me.
    The same exact thing happened to me in elementary school. I was at the nurse all the time and she basically said the same thing. Thats why i am never ever going back to that school....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    The Dirty South and The Great White North.

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    No one understands. I do tell people I am close with, right away. So they don't bring it up in conversation, or mimic it when talking, or watch it on TV.

    My mum (my trigger) does often ask about it, like how I'm doing. But she doesn't get it. She's just being considerate now that she realises it's legitimate instead of telling me to get over it or not understanding at all. It's progress, I guess.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Las Vegas

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My friends usually understand but not family.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My mother totally understands cos she suffers from emet, and has done since she was a child. Hers has improved slightly over the years and she can kinda deal with other people getting s* around her but only if she has no choice. Mine is worst than ever. I told my daughter 2 years ago when she was 17, after years of hiding it from her. I didnt want her to pick up on my fear and become afraid herself cos thats what I think happened to me - watching my own mother freak out whenever me or my sister got ill. My daughter is understanding to a point, she goes off to be s* alone and never asks for my help but I know she doesnt fully get it. In fact now that she knows about it I feel Ive got worse, Ive got no reason to try and stay calm in front of her. My father thinks its totally stupid, he just says go and be s* you'll feel better UGH not what I want to hear. Ive told a few close friends and 2 of them understand cos they hate being s* themselves but can deal with other people v*. The others think I just dont like it but arent aware of how severe my phobia is.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My dad has mild emet, so when me and my brother were kids of someone was ill my mum dealt with that and my dad dealt with me. But I don't think he realises how bad I am, cos I never had a full blown panic when he was there (I only have that when there is no one to help me). My boyfriend is very understanding in that he has seen me in full blown panic mode, and doesn't think any less of me for it, and protects me as much as possible, but no one can really understand how the panic feels unless you have a phobia yourself.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My parents love me and sypathize most of the time, but when they think I'm being ridiculous, they get mad. The only person who understood me was my friend Katy but were not friends anymore so it's gotten worse.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    I think my family and friends try to understand but in reality don't realize how serious this is, how it consumes your life on a day to day basis, how so many decisions we make are based off of our fear. I feel like this place is the only place that truly understands me.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My boyfriend tries to understand and I think he does but he does get frustrated sometimes. Nobody in my family that knows understands. My parents just think I'm being ridiculous. My mom knows more about it so she tries to just say things to calm me down when I'm worked up but most of the time she gets aggravated.
    "there's a light at the end of this tunnel" you shout, 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out. these mistakes you make, you'll just make them again if you only try turning around.. and breathe. just breathe <3

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  20. #20
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    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    I don't think it's possible for anyone to truly understand anyone else. People are inherently selfish and only pretend (even if subconsciously) to care about other people because it benefits them in some way. Maybe it makes them feel good, or makes them feel like they're a good person, or keeps the relationship on good terms, or maybe a more sinister reason, ie. building trust in order to use or manipulate. But true understanding is rare if not non-existent.
    Last edited by john f.; 08-29-2010 at 05:57 PM.
    'I am a sick man...I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I think my liver is diseased. Then again, I don't know a thing about my illness; I'm not even sure what hurts.'

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    Not a lot of people understand me. Once I told one of my friends and she like laughed. Obviously she doesn't understand how serious this phobia is.

    My mom kind of understands, I talk about my phobia to her a lot.

    I just recently told my best friend. I was sooo happy I told her, because she didn't think it was funny or stupid. She totally undersood, and was even a little concerned.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Smile Re: Does anyone understand you?

    Quote Originally Posted by fieldhockeychic13 View Post
    Not a lot of people understand me. Once I told one of my friends and she like laughed. Obviously she doesn't understand how serious this phobia is.

    My mom kind of understands, I talk about my phobia to her a lot.

    I just recently told my best friend. I was sooo happy I told her, because she didn't think it was funny or stupid. She totally undersood, and was even a little concerned.

    good for you !

  23. #23

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    I can't really say anyone really understands what I go through or how I feel. Unless they have the same anxiety or same fear themselves, I don't really think anyone can truly understand exactly how you feel or sympathize with you. It's kinda sad in a lot of ways. I have a few friends that have tried to be understanding and they just can't. I don't like getting sick myself or hearing, seeing, or even knowing that someone around me has gotten sick. I myself have some health issues right now and it makes me very nauseated a lot, and I do have issues with my stomach, which doesn't seem to help me phobia any better. My mom and husband are trying to be as understanding about it, but I know my husband goes through his breaking points. Sometimes he tells me "Just get sick around me one time and I'm sure you'll get over it." I told him it's a lot easier said then done, cause when I get sick I panic, freak out, have a really huge anxiety attack, and then lock myself in the bathroom for hours and do everything in my power to keep my mind off of it. Everyone is different, and even if you have the same phobia, everyone handles it different. So yes to some extent I'm sure everyone can sympathize with each other, but in another way of looking at things some people are a lot worse then others. All I can say and I think everyone can agree with this is, It's really not the greatest phobia to have, it does take a toll after having it for a long while, and it makes you very frustrated. It's not like a common phobia like being afraid of spiders, or heights. I find myself missing out on a lot of things because of this. Carnival rides, flying, going on road trips, hanging out with my kids at their school for fear of being around someone that might be sick, that could possibly get me sick. My prayers go out to everyone on this website forum. I hope that one day we can all find someone that will understand us to some degree

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Birmingham UK

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    I have a friend who really cant get his head round it and always makes jokes and pretends that he is being S* around me. I hate it so much and get really angry with him but he just finds it even more funny. I now want to stay away from him all the time as i cant take him thinking its all just a big joke. Yeah might be a joke to him but this is taking over my life!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Reigate, England

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    Hm....how do you start threads (out of interest)?

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My boyfriend tries to be supportive, but he doesn't understand it. He's the kind of guy that if something scares him, he'll run out and do it to not be afraid of it anymore. I try to explain to him that this isn't a "this roller coaster looks scary, woohoo!" fun kind of fear. It's hard to explain crippling anxiety fear to someone who's never experienced it. I did get up the courage to get on one upside down coaster a few years ago. He was very patient with me (I had to skip breakfast and then do a few smaller regular coasters to build up to it first), but by the time we were in line I was shaking and sweating and in full on attack mode. I still went. It would have been fun, but I had to swallow and swallow the whole time to keep my stomach where it belonged.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    my whole family not including aunts, uncle's, etc (they don't really know about it) all take it as a joke and get extremely annoyed when i don't want to watch something with v* or want to avoid something else because i'm scared. My best friends are also the same, I only have one person in my entire life and even she doesn't fully understand because she is a much lower emit than me. I'm only 14 years old and have not really one single person to be behind me or even help and it makes me feel so trapped and alone, i wanted to leave the room for a p*ing scene and my one true friend tried to trap me in the room so I would have to watch it I almost cried when she did that and I got in a fight with her to avoid it. I used to think I was being over dramatic about it but now I know how incredibly real it is, it's always in my mind first thing every day 24/7 and I'm all alone to deal with it. Even if I did try to explain how I really feel they wouldn't believe me so I have to keep it all bottled up from now on. I am begging my parents to let me try therapy but they don't take me seriously. Help?

  28. #28

    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My goodness...
    It tears my heart out to read about that so many of us get so little support even from our closest that really are supposed to, and even worse, others actually make fun of it. My selftherapy has always been to not taking myself so seriously, although this takes lots of selflove and acknowledgement how painful this phobia is.
    My family knows about it, from my reactions as I grew up, how I constantly ran away everytime someone did it, but we never ever talked about it! My closest friends, not to this day as I'm writing this, knows about my phobia.

    Remember, when others make fun of us they are problaby afraid themselves of the unknown and don't know how to handle it. All we can do is spreading awareness and knowledge and stop sitting in silence. Let's keep up the work.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    I don't even understand me! So how can anyone else?

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Does anyone understand you?

    My mom knows, but depending on her mood she can only sympathize so much. Sometimes she treats it as a joke, then other times she knows it's hard for me. I've explained to a couple close friends, but mostly I keep it to myself. I don't want to be laughed at or feel like someone is babying me. I've told anyone everyone I've been in a relationship with. Since it effects my everyday so much, I need to know right away if that person will be able to handle it or if they're not worth my time. So far everyone has been understanding. My partner now is incredible and very understanding. I've really lucked out in that department, it can be hard to find someone open minded about something they can't even begin to understand. But other than those few people, no one understands. If I'm put in a position where I need to tell someone, I usually get the response "well no one likes it..". They don't get it.



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