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Thread: Recent Vacation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Recent Vacation

    Hello all! I recently got back from Florida with my best friend. We were gone from 8/17-8/22. We flew into Fl, and I was nervous about flying as I'm always paranoid that someone will become ill on the flight (I've been on at least 100 flights and it rarely happens, yet I still worry). The flight was uneventful, and we arrived safely. During the vacation, I spotted someone becoming ill on the side of the road, a guy in a club heaved right in front of us but ran to the restroom before anything was ejected, two huge piles of v* right as we were entering Magic Kingdom (there was a cast member directing people around the mess but it was still in plain sight...GROSS), and then when we boarded our flight back home, I turned around to see the lady behind me shivering and a shade of green, holding the air sickness bag up to her face. Being the emet that I am, I told the man in the seat next to me that I had to move NOW, and my best friend and I changed seats.

    Unfortunately, people are ill all the time and there's nothing that can be done to avoid it. In all except the plane situation, I remained extremely calm, though I was a bit shaken on the inside. We visited 6 theme parks, countless restaurants, a few nightclubs, etc., and all I could think about the whole time was whether or not someone would get sick. I feel I did a pretty good job of keeping myself as calm as possible, especially on the huge rollercoasters (and I love rollercoasters...I was just worried someone would become ill when we were riding).

    I guess my point is that you guys shouldn't let this phobia stop you from doing what you love to do. I LOVE to travel, and my friend and I are actually planning on going back to Fl in March for the 3rd year in a row. Although I think too much and worry too much, I know that I have an irrational fear, and if someone IS ill in my presence I deal with the situation to the best of my ability, while trying not to let it ruin my fun.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Recent Vacation

    Well it sounds like you have a positive attitude towards dealing with the emet atleast! That's awesome!
    I can tell you I would probably be too embarressed to actually move seats and would have ended up looking like a crazy person instead. Plugging my ears and squeezing my eyes shut while rocking a little and shaking uncontrolably. But seems like you made the best out of what you could and that is great!

    And also, it might be because we are emet we just notice v* and people faces MORE than the average person does because of our fear. Kind of like when you buy a new car then all of the sudden there's a MILLION of the same kind of car in your town and you swear there was never 1 of them before!

    Still, awesome job on having fun still and let us know about your other travels!
    Just remember to breath....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    Default Re: Recent Vacation

    Im glad you were able to handle the situations and have some fun too =) I have been to Disney over 26 times and to me, its one of the "safest" places on the planet. Yes there are tons and tons of people, but wash your hands good and you're fine. Also, we have never had food poisoning from ANY of the food we ever ate. Also, (unlike Busch Gardens in VA) I have never had anyone get sick on a ride other than Mission Space or whatever its called at Epcot (I have heard stories it happens so therefore I have and never will ride it lol).

    Of course, I tend to always find the pile of v*somewhere, usually once per trip if that. Heck, my hubby and I took a relaxing afternoon trip to Brookgreen Gardens near where we live (gardens and art, really awesome) and sure enough, on the pine straw on one of the back trails, there was a pile >_< lol

    I agree, since we fear it we are always the ones to notice or be bothered by it :P

    Happily, for our honeymoon at Disney last September there were NO incidents of seeing anything ill anywhere. It was magical =D Disney is the only theme park that we ever go to anymore, the other ones inevitably end up freaking me out.

    Kudos for flying especially, I wont even do that =D



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