I really appreciate everyone's input on this and all your suggestions. Thank you.

I'm not sure exactly how old he is but my guess is he's in his 70s.

As much as I know I "should" just do it, I really can't. It wouldn't just be a couple uncomfortable hours for me, it would set me back big time and I've come too far to let anyone come in the way of me and my recovery.

I can overlook and deal with just about any kind of "weird" because I'M weird too, but I'm hyper-sensistive to smells... that's one of my biggest triggers. I do like the idea of putting Vicks under my nose though haha! I can say I have a cold! Better yet, maybe I can slather Vicks all over him!!

I like the idea of just telling him that because of my anxiety issues, I can't make it. That wouldn't be entirely a lie because during the worst of my phobia, I really did have an extremely difficult time with company and/or visiting someone... especially when food was involved.

I really wish I could just be honest with him and say that I think he's a lovely man, because he is, and I would love to spend time with him, but his lack of hygeine makes it impossible. This is such a touchy subject though.