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Thread: My Rabbits :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United Kingdom


    I have had my rabbits, Millie and Rosie for five anda half years and I love them so so much. They went to the vet today for a check up. Rosie has uterine cance, in a couple of months it will be just Millie. I am crying but no more tears are coming out. She was so lively and bubbly and now there is no change except for a lump the size of an egg inside her, and a shortened life expectancy. I feel so sorry for Rosie, it is my fault that she wasn't spayed younger, and I have now shortened her life.

    They are sisters, and find great comfort in eachother... When Rosie goes, I don't know what Millie will do. They are a part of the garden, a part of my life, and the fact that I am going to lose Rosie within the next few months and there is nothing anyone can do about it is so out of the blue and so upsetting. I have been distraught all day. I don't know what I will do, I love her so much.
    Hard Normal Daddy

  2. #2
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    Oh no I'm so sorry! I don't really know what to say... Just spend loads of time with her while you can and five her lots of treats. Maybe you should kind of wean her away from Millie? Make it so they spend less and less time together each day so that Millie isn't so shocked when rosie dies. Once again I'm really sorry. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Oh no that sucks big time![img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img] Don't blame yourself that she wasnt spayed, you wern't to know. I can understand completely why you'd be feeling upset. i have cats at the moment and even if i dont like them much (im more of a dog fan!), my sister would be heartbroken if anything happened to them! I will be thinking of you and your two rabbits.

    God Bless, Chris
    ISAIAH 41:10

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  4. #4
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    aww, im sorry to hear about ur rabbit.

    my dog is also getting very old, and altho she hasnt gone to the vets yet, i have already predicted shes got kidney failure.

    for the type of dog she is, its very common and shes showing ALL the symptons. plus my old dog got put down from kidney failure so i know what im looking for.

    its hard when a pet dies, cause often people consider them better friends than humans can ever be

    Jen xxxx
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  5. #5
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    I'm so sorry. All you can do is give her all your love and make her last months with you as special as you can. I had a bunny as a child and she lived so long, like 10 years, so I know how attached you can get in that time. I find comfort in the fact thatGod gave me the gift of getting to know such a precious soul for that time. They are such lovely creatures. I'm thinking of you. Edited by: 2jo2
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  6. #6
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    aww Tom - that is really very sad But believe me there is nothing that you would of been able to do - you wernt to know that this would happen. You still have a few months with her - spend some time with her and make her last months good times. As for your other rabbit - millie. She's going to feel very lonely - maybe try to introduce some speration - just so she gets used to the idea a bit. It will be a very sad occasion - but spend alot of time with them - you still have a few months - try to make rosies last time a good one

    best wishes

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Im sorry, thats really sad! I recently lost a pet, my 16 year old cat I
    grew up with died this summer =( its tough, they are family, too.

    As for your bunny that will be left all alone, I definately suggest
    introducing someone new asap, and I mean before Rosie passes on. That
    way, the other will not feel so alone, I think. Because I know that
    with ferrets, which I have two , if they are bonded and one dies, the
    other can go into depression from being lonely. So its a tough thing,
    but I think maybe if someone new joins them now, maybe it will be a
    little easier on Millie. Though I know it wont be for you, so you have
    my best wishes. The one thing I know makes me feel better when a pet is
    lost, is that they died happy, in a good home, in good hands, unlike so
    many neglected pets that die in pet stores or in deplorable conditions.
    So know that she is happy and with a good person right now!

  8. #8
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    Do not blame yourself at all! I have worked at a vet hospital for years and I can guarantee you that no one fixes their rabbit unless they plan on introducing another rabbit of the opposite sex. And we never see this in rabbits, most likely becuase people don't often bring their rabbits in. This is seen most often in unspayed cats and dogs. But you sound like a wonderful pet owner. You took your rabbits to the vet and cared for them and because of that both have had wonderful lives and will continue to until the day they leave the world. That is worth gold in their lives and the lives of any pets. You are awesome for all you have done. I am sorry you are receiving this bad news but it will give you the time to give them both extra love and attention.



  9. #9
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    United States


    Just a little side note for Jenneh, kidney failure can be treated if caught early. You cannot cure it but you can start giving IV fluids that will help ease the work of the kidneys and keep them functioning longer.

    Good Luck,


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    thankyou Carly,

    unfortunately, this hasnt been caught early, its been left until my parnts thought it was desperate enbough for her to go to the vets i.e. about 4 weeks.

    " oh but shes improving"

    "oh but shes only being lazy"

    "oh but all the vet wants is money"

    my ass.

    Jen xxx
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  11. #11
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    Aww poor lil rabbit. Theres not much u can do really. But when she dies th other rabbit will get used to it after a while, ( i know its not nice but maybe u could get another rabbit?

    I know i was absolutely crushed when my dog was put down, she also had kidney failure, very common in older dogs. There isnt much you can do but make her comfortable and spend time with her.

    Sarah xxx
    I couldn\'t tell you why she felt that way... she felt it everyday and i couldn\'t help her... i just watched her make the same mistakes again...

  12. #12
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    United Kingdom


    The only thing is with getting another rabbit, is that there will always be one leftin the end.
    Hard Normal Daddy

  13. #13
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    Unfortunately that is one of the things with pet owning - chances are you're going to outlive them, I know I would be distraught if anything happened to my cats. I know the odds are that I will probably have to make a decision as to whether they live or die one day and that scares the hell out of me, but you have to take comfort from the fact that you've given them a good home and a good life. You don't necessarily have to be left with just one though, you've got facilities for two so why not always have two? If you really love rabbits then you can be happy in the knowledge that you've always got a loving home for two and I'm sure you won't be short of takers [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  14. #14
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    United States


    I had the same situation with two guinea pigs. They were sisters and I got them from a friend, who breeds guinea pigs. They each got pregnant together and I found all of their babies homes except for one boy who I kept and he lived with his mom and aunt (I neutered him). One girl passed away unexpectedly and I felt so bad for her sister but she still had her son to keep her company and then when the mom died it was just the boy. I felt horrible but I also knew that I didn't want to get any more. Because if I got him a friend he would eventually pass and leave another one lonely. So that is what you have to decide. If you get Millie a friend you will eventually need to replace Millie too. If could go on forever and that could be a good thing or a bad thing.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I'm so sorry about your rabbit. I really am. I know it's hard on you right now, but it will get better. Last winter both of my guinea pigs died and they were friends. One died in January and then the other one in February. I was so upset. I'm better now, but I still think about them. I love guinea pigs. I was thinking about getting another one. I hope you feel better soon, hun. Take Care. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]



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