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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I know heaps of non emets who have never had an s*v* in their lives, yet other people seem to get them every year. I also don't know how it's possible to avoid them forever since there's so much on the news and internet and facebook about people being s*. If it's that bad, why aren't they making a vaccine for it? I know they're doing a noro one but you'd think they would speed things up. They've recently done the 4th human trials on volunteers so hopefully that means it'll be out in the next few years..but whenever I hear or read about someone in my area getting s*, I get so tense and uptight about it..like it's inevitable that I am going to get it aswell. Ugh sorry to be all negative about it. *Touch wood* I've only had 2 in my life and they weren't as bad as people make them out to be today...it's as if they get more severe every year. My parents have only had a couple in their lives. Does immunity run in families? or are we just lucky so far

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Alabama, USA

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I may possibly have had a mild case ONCE that made me N* on and off for a day without any physical symptoms.

    But never have had a full-blown SV.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I got one as a teenager and then again when I was 51. So...heap long time.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I dont know if maybe some people have a genetic predisposition to have a high threshold to V* or to have stronger immune responses to viruses but it wouldn't surprise me if it were possible. Me personally, I haven't V* from a virus ailment in over a decade.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Alabama, USA

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    Quote Originally Posted by leeannc28 View Post
    I dont know if maybe some people have a genetic predisposition to have a high threshold to V* or to have stronger immune responses to viruses but it wouldn't surprise me if it were possible. Me personally, I haven't V* from a virus ailment in over a decade.
    Hope the decades continue to be low stress and V-free for you!

    I do beleive genetics play a roll in both immunity; AND in how one tolerates sicknesses. For instance, people with type "O" blood also have differences in their stomach acidity which make them more resistant to food poisoning. I don't know if this would affect a virus, though. Either way I am very thankful to be type "O" positive. Knowing there's a little extra fire inside helps me to stay calm when I think I ate something "old."

    One of my friends is adopted and his 2 brothers are not. His mom and brothers ALWAYS all three get any virus that passes though. Him and his dad never get it.


  6. #6

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I've had two s*v*'s since i was a toddler. One in second grade and one in seventh. I'm in college, so yeah, about a decade since my last one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    From what I observe, they become less frequent as you get older. Kids get them all the time, but in adults much less commonly, unless they are somewhere like a cruise ship where it's running rampant. It seems as though many emets don't even v from noro. Some do I'm sure, but it seems like many in this forum report getting noro and not doing it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I've also heard about the blood-type thing...nobody in my family is an O type. I think I'm an AB positive, my brother is AB negative and my mum is one or the other. Supposedly those blood types are quite rare...no idea why, but my family are definately not prone to s*v*'s.

  9. #9

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I rarely get them, and if I do I'm over them in about 8 hours. I remember getting one when I was younger, and twice as an adult.

    The most recent one ruined my v* "streak" of about five years, but the reason I got it was very obvious to me: caring for a two year old with sv*. Needless to say, I was in close contact with v* the whole time.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I have only actually vomited twice in my entire life, and I'm 47. Once when I was 8, probably because I had eaten an entire box (the size used in store displays) of miniature candies. That time I threw up twice, maybe 10 minutes apart, and my stomach was "off" for the rest of the day but otherwise I was fine. The second time was definitely due to a stomach virus that all my neices and nephews had... I was 14 at the time. I vomited severely during the night. I remember wanting it to stop just because I was so tired and wanted to get to sleep. I woke up the next morning and went to work at my part-time job, didn't eat anything all day until dinner because I had no appetite until then, but other than that, by dinner time I was fine.

    I did get food poisoning at a wedding once, but just had diarrhea the following morning... no nausea or anything.

    So actual vomiting of food is extremely rare for me. I get nauseous a lot, sometimes for days at a time, and there have been times when I've had the dry-heaves, gagged, etc., but nothing that didn't go away almost as quickly as it began. So WHY has the possibility of vomiting terrified me for so long????!!!! Doesn't make any sense.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I heard that those with blood type B (mine) don't get noro because we don't have the receptors for the virus in our intestines but type O has the most. So I'm wondering if the times I've been very sick with a noro like illness it was food poisoning as nobody was sick before or after me even when I lived in a dorm sharing bathrooms and I had eaten questionable food both times. Plus whenever there was a noro outbreak with other people around me I never caught it. For some weird reason though I'm terrified of noro but not of food poisoning.
    "If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."- Thomas Paine

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    Doctors will tell you that most suspected stomach viruses are really food poisonining.... usually caught at home! In general, restaurants are safer than the average kitchen at home.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I had a bad one in '94 when i was 12. I then went 15 years! but in '09 my mom came home with one that i contracted but it wasnt all that bad. D*H* twice and D* twice 8 hours later i was fine. Thankfully i come from a family who all have pretty strong immune systems

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Hove, UK

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    What Lisa says about blood types is right - type O are most susceptible to noro as they have a certain antigen that the virus binds to easily. Type B are the least likely to get noro. They don't say anything about type A (which I am), annoyingly.

    I know what you mean though, Emetafraid, it's like the s*v* seems to get 'worse' every year. I'm sure over the last few years, more and more people seem to come down with it and those that do describe it as being a lot more severe and say things like 'they felt like they were dying/wanted to die/never felt so ill in their lives'. I'm sure it never used to be like that a few years back. Maybe it mutates year by year and gets more potent or something?

  15. #15
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    The blood types thing is right. I have type B and also, i just recently found out, genetically resistant to it. I didnt think it was possible but yep, its possible to be gentically immune. I googled it

    Now, to answer your question, I got Rotavirus when I was 3 or 4, v*ed a few times when I was younger, but mostly cuz I was crying so hard. you know how little kids are
    v*ed last year, but that was probably from stress.
    My brother seems to catch noro 1-2 times a year. I've never got it. And he has blood type O anyways soo.... :P

  16. #16
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    United Kingdom

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I had a few sv's between the ages of 2-4. Then I caught one from my dad when I was 10, which made me v* the once, with no d*. And then I caught one 2 years ago, but I didn't v* with it.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I got noro about 4 years ago, and was really ill for a day, had another day off work to avoid spreading it. My mum got it a couple of days after me, so I'm sure it was noro not food related. Other than that, I don't think I had a bug since primary school (15 years ago now). I have had traveller's d, and other problems since then though.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    It varies. I got it twice in months once. Usually it seems like every 2 1/2 to 3 years. Luckily, the one I had last fall, I was able to take phenergan, but I still had nausea for three days. I can't wait until they get the vaccine ready.

  19. #19

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I haven't had a sv for 15 years and I'm O type blood. My dad is AB- so maybe that has something to do with it? Who knows? Some people's immune systems are better than others.

    This germophobic society does not really help us emets at all =(

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    United States

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I wish I knew what my blood type was! :P But my mother has NEVER v*ed as long as I have been alive (and I'm 27). My dad has v* ONCE since I've been alive. I had sv* when I was very young. I don't remember a WHOLE lot. But the ones I do remember, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 6th grade, then 2006 was the last time I v*ed. My mom says she doesn't even remember the last time she had a stomach bug, but she has IBS and has d* just about every day.

    Ugh....I hate Sunday nights. I'm always nervous about the upcoming week and I just don't want to wake up s*. I went to the gas station today but forgot to wash my hands after I came back, and I remember picking something out of my teeth...and as I did that I realized I HADN'T washed my hands, so now of course, I'm a wreck.
    I CAN get through this! ♥Melanie♥

  21. #21
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    Quote Originally Posted by 1scareddj View Post
    I wish I knew what my blood type was! :P But my mother has NEVER v*ed as long as I have been alive (and I'm 27). My dad has v* ONCE since I've been alive. I had sv* when I was very young. I don't remember a WHOLE lot. But the ones I do remember, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 6th grade, then 2006 was the last time I v*ed. My mom says she doesn't even remember the last time she had a stomach bug, but she has IBS and has d* just about every day.

    Ugh....I hate Sunday nights. I'm always nervous about the upcoming week and I just don't want to wake up s*. I went to the gas station today but forgot to wash my hands after I came back, and I remember picking something out of my teeth...and as I did that I realized I HADN'T washed my hands, so now of course, I'm a wreck.
    You just went to the station, not into the restroom or anything? It would have been nice to wash after that - but there really isn't much to worry about. If someone had a virus they would have mostly left it in the bathroom; not all over the store or the fuel dispenser nozzle.

    I'm a blood type O and have never had any stomach problems AT ALL. I stay thin even though I eat alot; have good energy; and feel really good 99% of the time. I don't think there is much merit to type O people having weak immune systems.


  22. #22
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I`m not sure what my blood group is, as doctors in this country are`nt in the habit of telling their patients as they are in the USA. I`ve not had a SV since I was 17. I have no idea if this is because I`m always washing my hands, or because I`ve built up immunity over the years. Either way, I try to keep away from people who are ill, & if a vaccine came out I would definately have it.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    what is sv*?

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    Quote Originally Posted by amyys View Post
    what is sv*?

    SV is emeto-shorthand for 'stomach virus' which would also be called 'stomach flu' 'noro' 'norovirus' or just a 'virus.'

  25. #25
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    thanks!! i just never seen it written like that before!! (Shows that i'm a new member) lol

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    I had the stomach virus twice as a young kid, and then not again until 2 weeks ago. I have v* plenty of times for drinking, but a sv is a lot scarier to me. Not sure why. Ever since I got sick though I have beem a huge germaphobe and wash my hands constantly. I dont even want to touch anything out in public. I get enraged with the general public for knowing nothing about sv's and spreading them around. But that is probably the emet talking.

  27. #27

    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    Before i post this;...I want all drinkers to know...NO OFFENCE.

    I absolutely HATE it when people get drunk, and V*. It is what started my emetephobia. My Mum once was drunk and V*ed when we were in the car;out the window. I screamed my head off and didn't talk to her for 3 days, as that night, i specificly told her NOT to get drunk, because it was my brothers birthday; of who i love very much. I asked her twice throuhought the night..."are you drunk" or "how many drinks have you had" But she just got all angry and said "Oh STOP being silly; im not drunk!"...Oh but she was...BIG TIME.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    Ya that sucks, I am sorry. I have always been able to know ahead of time so I can find a bathroom or something. But I am right there with you. My husband has drank too much and gotten sick where he was laying twice.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: How often do you get s*v*'s?

    As a kid, my dad had a hangover and my mom was already in the bathroom. I was at the dinning room table and my dad went to the kitchen sink to vomit. I jumped up and ran away to my room. In between puking my dad said, "don't tell your mom" as I was running. That's the first recollection I have of being scared and seeing someone vomit.



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