Quote Originally Posted by Kazzia

Hi everyone!

This is the first time back on the new forum - have to say it's great. I've posted on the "triumphs and pitfalls" section as I've found ways of dealing with this phobia since I was last posting in summer 2003.

To anyone who doesn't know me - I'm 18 and have had this phobia for nearly 10 years (basically since the last time I was sick in July 1994). I was relieved when I first found this site about a year and a half ago now as I think it's a very underestimated phobia and although many people hate being sick, they don't realise it can get to phobia proportions. It's about time awareness of this was increased and well done to John for doing this all by himself!

VICTORIA!!!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]


Hey girl!!!! I was wondering about you!!!! So good to see you and so good to hear that you are learning to deal with this phobia!!!! It always makes me happy when I read posts like that!!!

Good to hear from you again!!!!

Keep in touch, okay???Edited by: NCsmile6