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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Why is it so bad this time of year?

    I just don't get how the SV seems to be so prevalent this time of year? My dad was sick a few weeks ago, then my mom, both seem to think it was food poisoning but I am not ENTIRELY convinced. I finally am over my anxiety from that since we're safely almost a month out and then my MIL got sick (luckily only D so I am not so scared of that) and then my husband informs me that my SIL has the SV today and he works with her and he's good at washing his hands etc but he's a nail biter and I just wrote him a long e mail telling him to make sure he's extra careful, like a fool that I am lol.

    But anyone have any idea why its so bad? Kind of ironic when this is supposed to be "the most wonderful time of the year"

    I just want to hide!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Kent, England

    Default Re: Why is it so bad this time of year?

    People say its due to the fact the weathers cold, so more people stay indoors, heating on. More layers.. But to be honest summers hot, and humid i thought it would be around more then you know.

    But its just how it is i guess xx
    ​The best is yet to come....

  3. #3

    Default Re: Why is it so bad this time of year?

    Yeah I think it is because we spend more time in doors near people....and I want you to know.....last March....my son and my husband got a sv.....and because I am psycho about hand washing and ALL aspects of being safe....I did NOT get it.......here are some things I do...and I am sure others do too...just wanted to let you know.....I buy new toothbrushes....and I dont keep mine near his.......I use my own toothpaste.......I clean toilet to include the flush handle prior to using.....I of course dont eat or drink after...I dont kiss him....I pretty much take myself out of the equation.....by sharing NOTHING.....I wash my hands constantly ......I use hand sanitizer.....I think it IS around in the summer months but we are just not as apt to catch it becasue we are out and about not closed up in a warm and toasty house.....not as many partys.....(double dipping...etc).....The key thing to remember...there is only ONE way to transmit this....and that is getting any of the particles in your mouth......SO.......keep your hands out of your mouth......watch what you eat and who it is prepared by.....dont kiss infected people......which btw they are contagious the minute theyhave symptoms with the norovirus.....the rotavirus......they can be a carrier and not have symptoms....BUT V* doesnt always happen......like you said I am not afraid of D* either......STAY POSITIVE HUN......You will be FINE...HUGS!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Why is it so bad this time of year?

    They say another reason is...when the weather changes are immune is thrown off some. And i do believe its because of the closeness of winter staying inside..ect....Isnt it crazy that if everyone just washed there hands..this would be one virus that would be instinct!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Why is it so bad this time of year?

    I know I am always washing my hands and I have gotten my husband into the habit of doing the same. In general he's a healthy guy. I have seen him sick twice and once was drinking the other I am positive was food because of the severity of it.

    Still I get so scared this time of year. I really wish I didn't feel this way.

    Thanks everyone!



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