Well - I said this on another thread but want to repeat it here so others can see it.

Quote Originally Posted by turbokinetic
I'm so so sorry you feel this way about your stomach. It really hurts me to think about you having surgery on your perfectly healthy, happy stomach; just because of this phobia.

The nissen surgery only stops things from exiting your stomach. It does not stop any other part of the vomiting process. People with this surgery have massive, terrible problems when they get a SV or other vomiting situation. You would have all the nausea, retching, heaving, misery and pain - but none of the releif. Every time you get sick after this surgery, you will be in the hospital.

Your mind ALREADY has the power to overcome emetophobia. The anxiety and fear is the problem anyway - not the actual vomiting. Your mind can overcome the emetophobia, but if you have your stomach altered, it will never ever be normal again.

I was emetophobic for years, and even made myself puke to try and de-sensitize myself to it. The puking DID NOT MATTER and did not affect the phobia. This phobia is crossed signals in your head; a bad association; a misguided conditioned response. It wouldn't matter what happened to your stomach - you can not get over the phobia unless you address it in your mind.

I respect how you feel about this and see how hard it is on you. I'm glad you posted this and really don't want to offend you. It's just that I feel very strongly, because I have an utmost respect for life and for our bodies working well.
