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  1. #1

    Smile New here, just a little about it :)

    Hey im new here and im so glad i found this site! im so glad im not the only one suffering with this phobia. but i also hate knowing people suffer as much as i do as i know its a pain in the you know what. but anyway, a little bit about me and the fear. im 22 years old and i have had this fear as long as i can remember. i remember being about 3 and my older brother getting sick in front of me and i was so freaked out by the sound and just everything about it scared me to death. i always try to figure out where my fear of this came from, its either from that incident, or i remember when i was in preschool kids would get sick in class and the teachers would freak out and rush the kid out and they just acted as if the world was ending. teachers even acted like that in elementary school too. so i think them acting like it was such a big deal, definatly put fear into my mind. i can only remember 3 times ever getting a SV in my life. once when i was like 4, 7, and 10. luckily i have stayed clear of it since then. *knock on wood*. these past 2 years have definatly been the worst with my fear. ive always feared it, but only really got panicky when i heard that it was going around school, or when a family member would get it. but these past couple years ive feared it constantly. this past summer i didnt hear about any cases of it going around, yet i feared it everyday. it really has gotten me limited to things i want to do. i also suffer from agoraphobia. which is, if anyone doesnt know, basically having a fear of having a panic attack or losing control in a public place without any means of escape. so i think the two go hand in hand which is even more stressful. im a hairstylist so that puts a lot more anxiety in my life. im always fearing getting sick while with a client, or passing out while with a client, or just losing control in general with someone. ive had panic attacks while im cutting someone's hair and its so hard to look professional and under control when your mind is racing and your palms are sweating and you are not in control at all. well, in my mind im not. and it usually always starts with the fear of V right then and there. V has always been my biggest fear and im hoping joining this site will give me some more info and relief as i go through it. and hopefully one day we can all overcome the fear......or they will just come out with a vaccine for every SV out there. lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Red face Re: New here, just a little about it :)

    Hi Arora welcome to the site - I too have only just found this recently and find it a great comfort.
    I read your post and identified with you with a lot of things that you have spoken about.. Particularly how our phobias seem to have stemmed from seeing people panic when someone v's. I'm certain this is the reason I have suffered with this fear all my life from an early age.
    Would you say you are more worried about yourself v*ing or seeing / hearing someone v?
    I'm hoping 2011 is a stronger year for me as I too am finding that it limits me I.e traveling, public transport and drinking socially. I hope you too make progress and wish you the best of luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: New here, just a little about it :)

    wow you are just like me! exactly everything. i mean everything. i almost felt like i was reading a post i wrote.. i was sick with the stomach flu the same ages you were. and im 21 now but i have agoraphobia and the first panic i have is being scared to V* its so horrible. im shocked we have this in common even the same ages of having it. so strange. but this site has helped me a little bit hope it does the same for you!

  4. #4

    Default Re: New here, just a little about it :)

    thanks for the replys Gemma_H- i definatly am more afraid of myself V*. Eventhough i panic whenever someone around me is sick, its definatly the fear of myself getting sick. But i really hope 2011 is a better year also im going to try and work really hard on it. hope its good for you too

    1.89-thats crazy that we are so alike with this phobia! i seriously thought no one else knew what this phobia was like but i was so wrong. and its comforting. i hope this site does help out and i hope you have a good 2011



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