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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Well, hubby and I had gone out tonight with the kids and as we were loading back up in the truck, my youngest daughter vomited!!!! Freaked me out!!!! Now I am terrified that I am gonna get it!! I thought we were out of the danger zone, my niece had the vomit stuff Mon. Just so everyone else knows, WE HAVENT BEEN AROUND HER SINCE SUN. I thought we were gonna be fine and not get it. I am REALLY freaked out because when we were getting ready tonight, I wore the lipstick that she had been "playing" with yesterday and putting on HER lips. I am afraid to go to bed for fear that I will wake up sick. I just wish I wasnt like this!!!! I just hope that my other kids dont get it. My daughter only vomited once and that was 2 1/2 hours ago. She isnt running any fever and seems ok. However, she hasnt asked for anything to drink or eat either. MAN, I am driving myself crazy .............

    Thanks for letting me vent ................

  2. #2
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    Hey, calm down girly! You handled it well! You never know... if she hasn't vomited since, she may have just had an upset stomach. Try not to stress yourself out. Stress makes everyone more vulnerable to everything. I hope everything is okay and that you are able to sleep tonight. Just keep your hands clean, don't touch your face, and relax.


    **No one knows what it\'s like behind my green eyes.**

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  3. #3
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    Allie, I had to respond to your post on my thread. You summed up exactly how I feel in your signature at the end of your post. "No one knows what its like behind my green eyes." I too am a green eyed girl. And too, know one can know how I feel unless their share my fear. No one in my family understands me, they just tell me to get over my fear, hum well, I wish it was easy to do that. I would if I could!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I agree with Allie,maybe her stomach was just upset, calm down. Your daughter was sick hours ago and she has no fever, now you know your daughter; does she seem to have the flu? I know with my son I know when he has the flu -the symptoms and his actions- like if he sleeps or not, or by his face thecolour of it.

    Let us know how you are.


  5. #5
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    Hey... you know where I got that signature from? There is a song by "The Who" that is called "Behind Blue Eyes". And because that song is GREAT and the way it describes pain is perfect. So, I substituted my green eyes for the blue eyes in the song. (The lead singer Roger Daltry has blue eyes.) It goes like this:

    No one knows what its like, to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes. No one knows what its like, to be hated, to be fated, to telling only lies. But my dreams, they aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be. I have hours, only lonely. My love is vengeance that's never free. No one knows what it's like to feel these feelings like I do... and I blame you. No one bites back as hard, on their anger. None of my pain and woe can show through. But my dreams, they aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be. I have hours, only lonely. My love is vengeance that's never free. When my fist clenches, crack it open, before I use it and lose my cool. When I smile, tell me some bad news before I laugh andact like a fool. If I swallow anything evil, put your finger down my throat. If I shiver please give me a blanket, keep me warm, let me wear your coat. No one knows what its like to be the bad man, to be the sad man... behind blue eyes.

    Wonderful song. I love The Who. I look at that song and think of the enemy as emetophobia. It makes so much sense.
    **No one knows what it\'s like behind my green eyes.**

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  6. #6
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    Ooo, I like that song. I only know the Limp Bizkit version though. I loved the Who, but never heard that song. They are one of the few classic rock bands I actually like. Do you know which album that song was on? I'd like to hear the original version sometime.

    Anyway, back to the original topic, I hope your daughter is feeling better. If she hadn't thrown up in over 2 1/2 hours, she will probably be all right. Maybe she ate too much, or something didn't agree with her. I will say a prayer for you and your family!

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  7. #7
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    I wouldn't say it is a stomach virus yet. Especially if she is alright now. Has she played with anyone during the week? I have never heard of a stomach bug taking more than 3 days to infect someone. I hope she is ok, and I hope it was just something small that caused that. Try not to think of the worst right now, but use caution. Keep us posted! [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img] Charlotte

  8. #8
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    United States


    Hdogg-The Who's "Behind Blue Eyes" is on the "Who's Next" album, which in my opinion, is their best.


    **No one knows what it\'s like behind my green eyes.**

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  9. #9
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    Apr 2004


    I'm sure it was nothing, kids always vomit. It's like the popular thing to do with youngsters, naw j/k. Yea if she only vomited once in that period of time it was from an upset stomach, not a virus or anything related.
    AIM - r311dude (don\'t be shy, I love to chat)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by r311dude
    I'm sure it was nothing, kids always vomit. It's like the popular thing to do with youngsters, naw j/k. Yea if she only vomited once in that period of time it was from an upset stomach, not a virus or anything related.

    LOL! Try being a paramedic. They see more of people getting sick then they can handle. [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]
    <font color=RED><font size=\"4\"> FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL----fear</font>

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Well ............. GUESS WHAT?? "IT" really IS a virus. My worst nightmare right in my house!! She vomited early this morning in her bed and then just a few minutes ago after she tried to drink so kool-aid. So ...... this is just great. I have two other children to worry about now, not to metion MYSELF! I wish I hadnt wore the lipstick of mine she played with. Now I feel like I am affected too. I HATE THIS!!!! I am glad that my hubby was home though ......... Now I just gotta work on him getting the weekend off. My other worst fear is the other ones getting sick and him not being here.

    Seriously moms and dads .......... how often do your kids get this and how often do you catch it from them, AND if you do, how many of you actually do "the deed"

    PS ..... As I edit my post, she is in the bathroom getting sick again.
    Edited by: jennyleigh1975

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Oh no! That's terrible. I'm so sorry that your daughter is really sick. Just make sure you keep things clean around your house and definitely wash your hands like crazy. Just take every precaution you can, you know, the precautions you would take with any other virus. Gastero-viruses are usually passed through contaminated hands... and through food if the person who is ill prepares food for other people. Just try and keep everyone else in good condition, but do not stress yourself out! Its very important because when you get really stressed, your immune system crashes! Also, children are much more prone to things like this, and that is probably why most parents don't get sick when caring for their sick children. Kids also don't understand the precautions that people normally take to avoid illness. Adults do. So just keep it up, and keep us posted!


    **No one knows what it\'s like behind my green eyes.**

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Oh Jenny,
    I am so so sorry!!!!! I know it is HORRIBLE--but here is some good news, my daughter was sick last fall, and nobody else got it, not even my younger daughter, and they share a bed!!! Also, when my girls had rotavirus 2 years ago (all winter) I DID get sick, but I just had the runs and my stomach didn't even hurt--I felt okay!! Just keep washing your hands and disenfecting the bathroom and anything she touches--doorknobs, toys, etc. I use antibacterial gel as well as washing my hands.
    I sure hope your hubby gets off work to help you! And I am praying for nobody else to get sick. When your niece was sick, did anyone else (besides your daughter, that is) get sick?? If her parents didn't get it, take that as a good sign!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    United States


    Jenny, you can do this. I just went through the same thing last
    week. My son got it, then 2 days later my wife and daughter both
    got it. I had to take care of them all weekend and I didn't catch
    it. I washed my hands after every time I got something for them,
    I took a multivitamin every day, drank plenty of water and went to bed
    early every night. I also had a glass of wine each night before
    bed. My chiropractor knows about my emets and he told me that
    alcohol (not too much) is good for killing any bugs in your
    stomach. I don't know if it's true or not, but it also helped me
    relax so I could fall asleep. I have the same problem at bedtime
    where I don't want to sleep cause I fear waking up in the middle of the
    night sick myself. I don't know if you're a Christian or not but
    prayer really helps me deal with it too. I just pray for the
    strength and courage to get through the day. I'll say a prayer
    for you too.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Hello, I'm new to the site and VERY happy not to be alone in this HORROR. I am TERRIFIED of vomit (not necessarily vomiting myself -- although I don't like that experience) but TERRIFIED on ANYONE else vomiting especially my daughter (or husband for that matter). I just cannot cope with flu season and feel nauseated for at least four - six months out of the year.

    NO ONE UNDERSTANDS how this affects my life and my friends (family) still insist that it's ok to bring their sick children to my house. I have actually sent one of them home from MILES away because she got to my house with her daughter and then informed me that she had been up the night before with a fever and VOMITING. She got REALLY mad at me, but as you know, I can't help it.

    I feel VERY sorry for you and know EXACTLY what you are going through my nine year old vomited Sunday night and I had a panic attack and called my parents to watch her -- I managed to drive her there myself (about 80 miles an hour) praying that she would not vomit in the car. My husband was angry with me for sending her away but AGAIN, I can't help it.

    I disinfected the entire house when I got home and so far have not contracted the illness (although I pray regularaly that I don't get it).

    Does anyone have a technique that works for the panic attacks? Do any of you avoid drinking alcoholic beverages or insist that those with/around you don't drink? Avoid public places where vomiting may occur? I have asked my daughters therapist to recommend someone to help me with this problem. It is affecting my social life (has been for years just never wanted to admit it) and I feel like I'm crazy half the time.

    Can anyone help?

  16. #16
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    Welcome kkedacic!! I to am new to this site, and have found it extremely helpful. I've been suffering from this for 20 years and I was so surprised to find out that other people share my fear. I get panic attacks semi frequently, and I found that if concentrate all my energy on 1 object and count 1 to 5 over and over again, the attack passes in several minutes. I also avoid alcohol and those situations, trust me, I wasn't the most "fun" person in college due to my fear. It's ok for you to feel the way that you do, it's a normal response to have if you have a fear of those situations.

    Sometimes, you have good days w/ this fear, and bad days. I always think to myself that this to will pass, which helps get through the bad days. Check out the entire site, and you'll be amazed at how much comfort you get from all the members.


  17. #17
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    Awwww, I really feel bad that you have to go through this!! (and your daughter) It seems really strange that she would have caught this bug from back when she was playing with your neice? Have you ruled out ear infection, strep throat, or any illness w/ high fever? High fever makes kids vomit, regardless of what the illness is. I have many times thought that my kids had a tummy bug, and found out later that it was caused by high fever, strep, or an ear infection. Does she have any other symptoms?? My son just got over an ear infection, and he vomited until it was under control with meds. I hope that what you are dealing with is not contagious, and myheart goes out to you!! I will keep my fingers crossed that this ailment is something else!!! [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img] Charlotte PS-Maybe it is rotavirus, which is not contagious to adults???

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Jenny- darvis is right you can do this. Ok she may have the flu, it is going around. I understand what you are feeling at this moment. Just make sure you wash your hands and have the kids wash there hands to. Poor little thing, I hate when kids are sick and it hurts when you can't be huggingand holding them when they have the stomach flu. I am sendinga PM to you with my phone number if you need to talk.


  19. #19
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    jennyleigh, this is something we all go through. at some time we have to be exposed to it. But i think the fact that we are so aware of it normally keeps us from catching it-- our compulsive handwashing and whatnot.

    I agree with darvis, prayer really helps me. I also have most of my problems when I am trying to fall asleep at nite and venting in prayer really helps. letting myself be angry about our conditionand cry helps a lot to get the tension out of my body.

    Congratulations to darvis for being very strong and able to take care of his family, that is VERY BRAVE,i think we all can agree.

    chances are you will not get it jennyleigh, but I just want to you know I am going through some what of the same thing asone of mygirlfriends that I was inclose contact with this week came downwith a"bug" and I've been freaking about it since she told me. stay strong I willpray for us both.

    Edited by: redapple

  20. #20
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    With my family I noticed it seems every 3 days after exposure someone gets it. My kids or at lease one of them gets sick every fall or spring. Once a year. I've gotten it 1/2 the times....but truely I've become such a freak about keeping everyone else from getting it with CLEANING CLEANING CLEANING! Oh and seperation of children. Sick kid gets put in their room for at lease 24+ hours after last symptom. Towels aren't shared. Tooth paste isn't even shared at our house...we all have our own. I clean like a mad woman wiht bleach if someone becomes sick.
    Wishing you calmness and lots of healthy vibes to everyone else in your family. How old are your children?

  21. #21
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    Hang in there! Just take it day by day it will pass soon! *bighug* I know that is easier said than done but just pray alot and WASH YOUR HANDS! Keep us posted!

  22. #22
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    Well, my daughter who is sick is still vomiting. We have even given her phenagren(?) and she is still sick. I am really beginning to worry about her. She had the phenagren 3 hours ago, I thought it should still be working. I am really beginning to wonder if I should take her to the ER, she cant keep anything down. How I hate it that I can not be the one in there holding her and comforting her. She probally wont want anything to do with me when she does feel well, cause I wasnt there too much for her through this.

    Thank you all for responding ........... I am trying to get through this ...........

  23. #23
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    jennyleigh you are not doing anything wrong to your daughter, i promise. and even if you were, it's because you cannot help it! if you are worried, than call someone and tell them the situation so you can get a second opinion on taking her to the emergency room. young kids will just have really bad reactions to this because they're immune systems aren't like ours. as long as your keeping your hands and everything else clean and eating healthy stuff to keep your immune system strong,try to stay positive! you will get through this!!! if you can't sleep tonite, try getting on here and reading and talking to other people. it helped me alot last nite when i was panicky.

  24. #24
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    How do you talk to other people? Is the chat room always open? There is a chat room on this site, right?

  25. #25
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    you can send people Private Messages, or go to the Chat Room. It is always open but there is usually no one in it. I sent you a PM earlier.


  26. #26
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    You were right, no one was in the chat room, I just left there ...............

  27. #27
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    is your daughter doing better?

  28. #28
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    i'll be hanging out in the chat room on and off tonite, if anyone needs to talk.

  29. #29
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    So far so good, she has perked up some, but now is laying down again. She has eaten a posicle, so far it has not come back up. Have I told you all how peeved I got at our doctors office today? There is this new phenagren gel/cream out that you have to get at a compounding pharmacy, and our doc REFUSED to call it in. They didn't seem to familiar with it, I just still can't believe that they wouldn't phone it in for us, the pharmacy was more that willing to work with them. ANYWAY, I have a friend that I used to work with and she is now a P.A., so I called her and she was more than happy to phone some on for me.

  30. #30
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    Scatch my last post, she just vomited again...........



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