Me personally... these are the symptoms I had when I was severly emet. Now Im extremely mild and only relapse when I get s*.

- Agoraphobia (especially of restaurants and food markets)
- Obsessive checking of dates on food (refusal to eat food past date)
- Limited diet to "safe" foods (The BRATY diet, etc.)
- Being wary of wearing anything white or light colored (in case I got S* on it because then the world would know it.)

- Overcooking food
- Overdoing just about everything when it comes to cleaning
- Never touching hands to face, mouth, or eyes
- Avoid sick people
- Freak out if someone even coughed
- Plug ears with fingers and pump fingers in and out to blur out sounds of someone V*ing
- Fear of flu seasons
- Anxious during cloudy or rainy or just plain yucky looking days (I associate it with sick days, b/c thats usually the sort of day I used to get s* on)
- People talking about being S* (thinking I would get S* if I thought about it too much)
- Avoid drinking more then one glass of alcohol

You get the idea. That's the bulk of the quirks I developed. Now I hardly have too many of them, and if anything I have a healthy respect for cleanliness and hygiene. I still check food dates and have a preference for foods that have a lot of preservatives and last a long time, but I do eat a lot of produce now too. I generally just keep away from raw food like sushi. I still avoid going out sometimes, but I make myself leave the house and do things I dont like (and realize I deal with them way better then I originally expected).