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  1. #1
    Join Date
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    United States


    i canr stop crying, i dont know what to do. my life has fallen apart

    i have no where to live soon, no money, no way to get to college-ill have to drop out, no way to get to work.......

    i want to die.....i just cant take this pain anymore

    my entire life has been like this

    please, what do i do.

    my mom says if i tell anyone shell kill me or beat me senseless. i dont know if i believe that much, but the consequences will be vast.

    ill have no health insurance, no car insurance.....i have a muscle disease that is very painful right now, ill have no doctor....

    oh jesus, please help me. what have i dont to deserve this.

    take the pain away anyway you can.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    911 sounds like exactly what you need. If not 911, then get some other
    support professional involved. You have problems at the moment that we
    on the other sides of these computers cannot help you with, and that
    need immediate attention. Please understand I'm not trying to be cold,
    but you have to call somebody.

    We have art that we do not die of the truth.
    -- Nietzsche

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    That doesn't sound good at all. Is there somewhere you can go
    other then your house? Even if your parents weren't forcing you
    to leave, it's probably a good idea to find somewhere else to stay for
    awhile until everyone calms down enough to talk about things. Is
    this happening a lot? If so, has your family considered some kind
    of counseling? You didn't mention what the fight was about, but
    it sounds serious. Hope everything is ok. Let us know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    my whole life my mom has been psychotic like this, she never really hit us a lot until now. i am 20 year old, but have really no money. my sisiter is 15. when i was younger i called dyfus on my mother. i was put in an insane asylum again for another couple weeks while things were figured out. something sneeky must have happeneed between my mother and the doctor. she probably paid him to say the thigns he said about me, i wouldnt doubt it....and they wont release me my records, i have tried over and over again. the doctor said i was a master manipulator and my parents do not deserve such treatment as i give them. does that sound like a sound pcyhological assessment, especially since i called in dyfus and such. my mom switched the care i was getting then. i was prevously disganosed with profund depressed, eating disorder, OCD and emet. but then he "newer doctor" claimed there was nothing wrong. my mother keeps shoving this in my face, that was over 10 years ago.

    my mother has severe ocd and other psychological problems. she is a nasty woman with no friends. even my dad doesnt like her anymore, but without her he'd have nobody bc he has no family, and plus he's afraid of her. when my mom attacks me verbally mostly like this no never defends me, actually he makes it worse. but then afterwards he will say that she is so wrong and has issues.

    recently she has been attempting suicides for attention in front of us. with knives and stuff, she hold them to her, never hurts herself, then throws herself to the ground. she says we're lucky she doesnt stab us to death. She says she hates us and her life in the past 24 years has been nothing but misery. she wishes we were dead. we (my dad, siser and me) and all an embarrassment to her. she has no friends ad my grandparents always defend her.

    she has a twin sister the total opposite of her and her other younger sister is so nice too. the twin knows about the treatment we get, but is afraid to say or do anything. anything said or done can make the situation 100 million times worse for us.

    i am really afraid, i dont know what to do. i would talk to my boyfriend but i cant get in touch with him. i just took the dog for a walk and wanted to throw myself infront of traffic and die.

    i am in so much pain-from my musular disorder no, i can hardly walk....from my mom, from emotion pain, and from crying and beating myself up. I want to cut myself.

    i am not welcome at thanksgiving tomorrow.

    i dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i have been crying no nonstop for 7 hours, my eye hurts so bad and my nose is bleeding.

    please, what do i do. if i call in authorities, oh my lord the situation will get so much worse, i dont know. without my parent i have no funds, no transportation, no college, no insurance, no medicines for my disorder and everything else i have, no anything. but with them everything is so much worse and i want to die.

    she is in her room now banging against he walls saying she wants to die and jumps off a brdge. my dad is siding with her for now of course and is making my life evn more miserable.

    please, i need some advice. i am so sorry to take up so much space. i know i am not liked here and i have tried so hard to stay away. but i have nobody else to turn to right now, i need some unbaiased advice. i am sorry to be a bother.

    thank you for your help if you decide to help me, otherwise you can just tell me and ill leave.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    GET HELP NOW!! No one deserves that kind of treatment...especially from their mother. What if she "snaps" and does really kill herself, or you?? She sounds like she really needs professional help. If I were in your shoes, I would first call all of my friends to see if I could stay the night with them, and maybe see what their parents have to say for help. If not that, then I would call a crisis number, or the police. I would tell them what the issue is.I know you are afraid to stir up more trouble with your family, but it has to happen, before something worse does! Are there any emergency shelters for women? Do you have a friend that can help? Family? If not, you need to call police and they will most certainly help you out. They may even decide to take your mom away for a while to get help. It may just turn out for the better...but you NEED HELP NOW!! Keep us posted. You will be so glad after you have gotten the help you needed. The hardest part is to "just do it". Charlotte

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Please get help right away, get out, go to a shelter, and from there maybe you can call one of your aunts, maybe they will help you since your no longer at home. Your 20 years old, you do not deserve this at this age or any age, but you are old enough to leave, you are of age, do go to a shelter and call your family, they will help you, I`m sure....where do you live?????

    Please get back to me, lket us know your ok, please


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    please wen u see this will u IM me or smthing.. my email and AIM address is on the bottom of this post..

    iv been and still am in a very similar situation to you, i dont know if u heard about the weekend i had, but my mother tried to kill herself too blahdiblahdiblah.

    i think u need to call the social services in ur area, i cud give it to you, expect i live nowhere near you, in UK to start with.

    but if u get the officials in, ur life will NOT be made worse, it wil be made so much better. ur mother wontbe able to harm you physicaly, or with these empty threats.

    my own mother used to chase me around with a knife in her hand, and just recently has justified it with "it was only a joke" all thjose times? i dont think so. the SS's wanted me to get away from it all, but as im 17, they cant just tke me away, its got to be my decision.

    i guess what im saying is, i know wat situation ur in, i know how scared u are, and i know how upset you are. but you will get thru this. and you will prove urself to be so much better than ur parents.

    please get in touch, Jen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    You need to call 911 right now sweetie. Grab you sister and get out of the house. Run to the police station. They will protect you and find a shelter for you. You are in an abusive home and need to get out.

    Pick up the phone and call 911. Tell them that your mom is threatening to kill you, commit suicide, and everything else. Tell them that you are afraid for your safety right now. They will come!

    Once they get you a shelter, you will be provided with funding! Dont worry about money right now sweetheart, worry about your safety and your sister's safety. They are paramount to everything else.

    Your mother needs to know that this destructive behaviour has to stop, now! You are 20 yrs old,you are an adult, therefore, you have more options available to you.

    As a member of the emergency services, I tell you, call us!!! We will come and help! Help is just a phonecall away!!Edited by: sparky2004
    <font color=RED><font size=\"4\"> FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL----fear</font>

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    You've got to go to the police! You can't just stay there and take it and take it. Go to the police! They can provide shelter and protective custody. What your mother is doing is illegal - she cannot beat up her children. Please I beg that you'll call the police. Run away! I know this is not what you can be doing with now and I don't know if you believe in God or religion, but just trying to ask someone upstairs for help is never a bad thing! Im a christian and I believe that God can help in any circumstance - I will pray for you! but in the mean time, i ask that you go to the police PLEASE!0

    Best wishes, Chris
    ISAIAH 41:10

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    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    United States


    Yes, Please go to the police. It will be better! They will help!
    <font color=PINK><center>Believe in Yourself</center></font>

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    First I want to say how sorry I am that this is all happening to you. I agree with the others CALL 911 or the police, they can help you from there. They will know where to put you safe and help you. I know you must be scared to death and I am so sorry you have to go thro this with a mother like that. Jenneh I am so sorry you've been thro similar things. That is just devistating for a child for their mother to act liek that. But yes please call and they will know how to handle it and get you situated better.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    eyecandi, are you okay????

    I'm worried

    I know everyone is telling her to call the police, but I was in a
    similar situation growing up and my dad threated to kill me if I told
    and never did.

    I know how ALONE she feels, just reading her post gives me a stomach ache.

    What will she do if she can't live there?? The police aren't going to
    give her a home..she's 20!!! Sure they'll protect her for the
    moment but what happens a week from now?? This is how I felt...

    OH eyecandi, I wish I could put my arms around you and make you feel safe.

    Oh, I'm sooo sad [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img][img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img][img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    first off, i want to thank everyone for their support and concern. tonight i am at my aunt's house b/c it is not safe for me to be home, my sister is here too. i will probably be disowned, and i currently have nothing. i dont know what has happened to my life. i hate my mother and my father is just as bad. last night she fought with me for over 7 hours, i cried until my nose wouldnt stop bleeding. she dragged me out of bed and started it again. she said she is allowed to belittle me and make me feel horrible because she is my mother and somebody has to teach me that i am bad. funyn thing is, that i am not bad. i am probably the furthest from it, i never go out, i dont drive smoke, do drugs im respectful, im on the ambulance corps, ive saved lives, i responded to the twin towers on 9-11, i cant find anything bad about myself. she said she doesnt want to be our mother anymore because we are despicable people.

    thank god i have my aunt and my boyfriend, i probably would have committed suicide. in a predictament like this, i dont know what to do, and was/am so depressed. she makes me feel so horrible and worthless, and even if i know it's not true, like i do----this is coming from my mother, it makes it so much more horrible.

    Anyway, I live in New Jersey and technically i am old enough to be out on my own, but i have very low funds and my parents would disown me if i move out i am sure.

    this is a very hard situation. thank you for all the support, you have no idea how much it means to be, truly.

    Happy thanksgivin to everyone, thank you. I am trrying to hang in there

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    Oh eyecandi...*hugs* Yes, please hang in there. I'm here if you'd like to talk. I'm not that good with conversation but i always listen. I'll IM you and give you my sn. Edited by: wing
    <font color=PINK><center>Believe in Yourself</center></font>

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Danielle... I'm glad to hear you've got things worked out for the time being at least. Even if your parents "disown" you, you can't be there anymore! Its totally dangerous. Even if it would be hard to be on your own at first, it would really benefit you in the long run. I mean, you're an adult now. You have thecomplete ability to be self-sufficient. It is important that you look at all of your options, aside from staying with your mother and father. All at the same time, trying to protect yourself and your sister. How is your sister doing throughout all of this? Did you speak with your boyfriend? Please let me know how you're doing. Email me. Love ya! [email protected].


    **No one knows what it\'s like behind my green eyes.**

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  17. #17
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    &lt;hugs you&gt;

    im thinking of you.

    Jen xxxx
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn\'t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn\'t know that so it goes on flying anyway.

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  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2004


    I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. I cannot even begin to imagine what you must be feeling like. But please know that help is available and you have already started in the right direction by going to your Aunts. Don't worry about money for the moment because Iwould thinkthat your Aunt or others will make sure you and your sister are taken care of. It is scary, but just remember that your mother is mentally ill (at least it sounds like that) and that she needs professional help. She probably does not even realise what she is saying/doing a lot of the time. Do not listen to what she is saying about you. Think of what your boyfriend, sister and other family members are saying. The fact that your Aunt took you in shows that she cares about you. I am sure you have heard this before, but suicide would not fix anything and your sister needs you. It will get better: it always has to hit rock bottom before things start to improve and the fact that you are already out of the house shows improvement. No one deserves abuse of any sort and you did nothing wrong. Try to keep your head above water a take baby steps...one day at a time. Help is out there waiting for you.

    Keep us posted and in the mean time...I'm thinking about you and sending all my encouragements and prayers.

    Kats xx

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I'm glad things are looking up for you. We were all worried. Please keep us updated. Carrie.

    Where in nj are you from....I live in the Garden State also

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    i am so sorry you are in this situation..is your boyfriend aware of these goings on?
    If so, i really think you should stay put and get some sort of help for your mother, because as you've said yourself; you and your sister are NOT safe at home.
    If your father is ignorant enough to ignore this behaviour, then it's upto you to help yourself.
    You're 20 years old,and you might not feel very capable right now, but you've taken a massive step by getting out of there.. now it's upto you, to build bridges for yourself, without upsetting your parents.. no matter how much you hate them.
    ican appreciate how hurt and utterly deflated you must feel right now.. but you are absolutely NOT a bad person, that was a ridiculous comment to make.. and i think you're sensible enough to make up your own mind and establish what type of person you are, and believe me, you're not to blame to for this.
    Don't worry about money, stay where you are, where you're safe
    im sorry i am of no help, but im routing for you.
    em x

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Well, I still do not know what is going to happen with everything. My two aunts are supposed to be talking to each other to devise a plan-probably starting with talking to my father. They both have good relationships with him, so that might help, or at least be a start. I have been home to get things and my mother is giving me the silent treatment. How mature if that for a 45 year old woman to give her daughter the silent treatment? It's just plain ludacris if you ask me. My boyfriend, oh geez--i would not be able to live without him. Last week I was honestly very suicidal, I'm not sure if I would have gone through with it, at one point in my life I would have. But I love him to much and wouldnt do that to him. He has been so incredibly supportive and wonderful through this whole ordeal. I dont know how to repay him, I just cant stop saying thank you enough-I know he loves me, but this is the true test. I just feel I did to do something to repay his kindness, you know?

    I have been doing very badly though, I think the stress has really gotten to me. Not only had my muscle disorder previously flare up, but my emet is even worse, I didnt know it can get any worse. But now I am seeing visions everywhere if vomit or of my vomting in every situation I am in. It is horrible. Soemtimes my OCD does this to me. Especially with car acidents. I get the visions of myself being in an accident and what would happen and how i would feel and look etc. IT is the most horrible experience ever. I have not been able to eat much either. I am so sick to my stomach and living off stomach meds. My boyfriends father is going to prescribe me some antiemetics since I only have anticholingerics. I have fortunately got throguh work, but I ahve had diarhea and such from nerves I think and probably a reprecussion from the constipating meds. As much as I know this, it scares me. I get so dehydrated that I cant swallow without gagging b/c my mouth and throat are so dry. I keep feeling as though food is coming up, and I can taste it. It's probably the acid, but I will not eat until I am in a safe place at home. And i can't eat if my mom is home b/c i am too nervous. When I do eat it is like half a slic of bread, or a whole slice. Ive been trying to drink, but again, I am afraid of gagging/throwing up. My boyfriend too, is very supportive with this fear, I am so blessed to have him. But I freak out if I dont have someone around me who is understanding like him all the time. See....the hard thing is, the only one who can actually calm me down is my mom, even if she is mad at me and hates me,....when I feel sick I still feel as though I need to be by her so I am ok. I don;t know what it is. I am trying to get through it, but it's not too sucessful. Today I freaked out so bad in the car b/c I was so afraid to swallow thinking I would throw up if I did, I had a 10-15 minute drive home and all of a sudden my cellphone died on me, so I had no way to call for help if anything was to happen. It is very hard not to swallow for 15 minutes and I RACED home. I really thought I was going to be sick, and as soon as I got home, I was ok within 10 minutes or so. Argh, this is just such a catch-22

    My mom expressed the want to talk to her twin about something on Tuesday, I dont know about what though. Maybe about getting me to live there...I dont know. My aunts want to wait until this tlak on tuesdays to confront my father, or even my mom. The antcipation is bad. Thankfully I have my boyfriend, my 2 aunts and uncles and you guys. I dont know what I'd do without this support and I truly appreciate it all you guys. I am truly falling apart and need this to hold me together even a little bit.

    Thank you again, Danielle.

    P.S.......Carrie-I am from Bergen County NJ, where are you from?</

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    United States


    I'm from Burlington County. About 15 min from Phila. I
    think you're north of me. Sad, I live here and don't even know
    where the counties are. Carrie[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

  23. #23
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    United States


    Haha, Carrie, yes I am very much north of you. I am about 20minutes east of nyc. [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]Good to know we have another JERSEY GIRL here though!!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by eyecandi512
    I am about 20minutes east of nyc. [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    I'm in NY! ^_^Edited by: wing
    <font color=PINK><center>Believe in Yourself</center></font>

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Are you really wing? What part?



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