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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Caffeine Allergy

    I am almost certain I have an allergy to caffeine. So I did some research and, to my shock and surprise, found out that there is such a thing as caffeine-induced psychosis. I mean, we all know that a cup of coffee makes some people jittery, but who knew that it could literally mimick mental illness? I read this http://www.stress-anxiety-depression...-topic-70.html and thought, wow, a lot of that sounds like the panic attacks I get which then lead to me (mistakenly) believing it will lead to violent, uncontrollable vomiting. And, I have also realized that even one cup of coffee makes me feel very... weird. Drugged. And when I don't ingest any kind of caffeine (coke, tea, chocolate, medication with caffeine, etc) I feel SIGNIFICANTLY better overall AND my emetophobia is significantly reduced. Meaning, I obsess a lot less about "will this make me vomit" and "does this stomach twinge mean nausea?" etc etc. When I'm completely caffeine-free, I find that the majority of my scary body symptoms (nausea, weird stomach sensations, diarrhea, lightheadedness, pounding heart, feelings of unreality) are just not there anymore.

    Armed with this information, I am going to start reading all labels and making a real effort to completely cut all forms of caffeine out of my diet, and see what happens. Imagine if this phobia is being fed by caffeine? Ha! Maybe the reason I haven't yet found that elusive "magic cure" is because recovery isn't as complicated as my overly analytical brain has made it. Maybe all I need to do is live a caffeine-free life.

    If I find out this simple thing is the answer to this fear of vomiting that has tortured me for years, I'm going to be seriously pissed at the entire medical community because, why don't they know this? Why don't they ask a patient who presents with any anxiety/panic disorder, "Do you consume caffeine? Yes? Cut it out." Wouldn't that be a better place to start treatment than, "Here's a prescription for antidepressants/antianxiety meds?" I have seen many healthcare professionals who practice various modalities of medicine/therapy, and not one has ever made the connection between caffeine and.... well... insanity! This fear - emetophobia - is insane!

    So if you too consume caffeine on a regular basis, you might want to consider this possible connection.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Re: Caffeine Allergy

    My therapist asked me whether I consumed a lot of caffiene. I drink maybe a can of coke a day, and maybe a coffee in the morning, if I'm tired.

    My boyfriend has a caffiene allergy though, I think it makes him vomit. Thinking it might be the case, I asked him to give it up (he used to drink a few cans of coke, a few cups of coffee, it was hard core. Now he hasn't vomited in about four months, which is HUGE for him because he used to feel sick and vomit maybe every week, sometimes more.

    Let us know how it goes!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Caffeine Allergy

    I have noticed so far, that my stomach doesn't do all that gurgling and churning anymore. And the almost chronic gaggy feeling I had in my throat, is pretty much gone. Could be coincidence, time will tell.

    I should say I have never been a hard core caffeine consumer. I would have one cup of coffee in the morning and that's it. Maybe the odd coke, the odd cup of tea, but not evey day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Rhode Island

    Default Re: Caffeine Allergy

    I have a really bad reaction to Caffeine and always wondered if it was an allergy or if my body just couldn't handle it. I would get so dizzy to the point of not being able to walk, my face and limbs would go numb, I'd shake and get jerky uncontrollable movements, and I'd feel as though I was going in and out of consciousness. Its the scariest thing. I've noticed it when I drank coffee on a few occasions and took Excedrin Migraine which has caffeine. I don't drink soda ever, but tea and chocolate never bother me. I used to drink coffee regularly and it never bothered me until the past few years. It's so weird, but it's good to know that I am not the only one!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Re: Caffeine Allergy

    I had 2 cups of coffee this morning, when usually I only have a half, if I'm lucky, and my stomach was being odd all morning. I think some people just don't handle caffiene well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Caffeine Allergy

    There seem to be a lot of posts about caffine issues lately!!! We should research this!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Re: Caffeine Allergy

    I was just thinking the same thing. The day that I'm having caffiene issues is the day everyone else is too! What a coincidence!



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