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Thread: V*ing Diets?

  1. #1

    Default V*ing Diets?

    Timing Of Sickness?
    The last time i V*ed was one year ago. The time before that was in 2005, six years ago. Is there a time? Is there some kind of non V*ing diet?

    A little question for you guys...
    If anyone here has not V*ed in at least 10 years or up, please tell me about your diet. Comment below about your diet, so more of us can be a little more about you. x Hoping this works
    Thankyou for sharing..If you do. x Bluebirdee15 x

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    New England

    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    I don't think it has anything to do with diet. I eat junk all the time, eat in restaurants all the time, I don't do anything special at all.

  3. #3

    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    Cool, that really takes a load of my back! When was the last time you were sick?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States

    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    Bluebird, you can read in my signature how long I've been puke-free. I am careful about what I eat. I eat a lot of processed foods. I cook a lot of meat at home and am very careful about it from buying it to refrigerating/freezing it properly to safe defrosting and cooking. I refrigerate leftovers promptly. I am careful about eating in restaurants and sometimes my 6th sense will tell me not to eat in a particular place.

    I eat hardly any Asian food and hardly any fish. A lot of foodborne illnesses are caused only by seafood.

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    I haven` vted in 14 years, & I always try to avoid eating food in cafes & resturants, no matter how clean they look, because you never know what the kitchen is like. I only eat food that I prepared, that way I know it`s safe.

  6. #6
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    New England

    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    Well I v* last year, but that was from excessive alcohol so to me it doesn't count since I did it to myself. Before that it's been about 13 years or so. The only time I've v* from food that I know of was from bad shellfish when I was 6 or so and it didn't make me horrendously sick or anything, I only got sick three times and I had pried open one (if they don't open on their own from steaming they were dead when you started cooking them). I've only been seriously emet for about 6 months now (I was always anxious when I started to feel sick, but I never thought about it unless I was actually feeling sick before) so that number reflects my number as more or less a non-emet.

    I eat in restaurants at least twice a week, more sometimes. I used to have to eat out five times a week. I also eat at other people's houses fairly frequently. And I eat all kinds of meat and shellfish, I eat the dinner rolls in the basket, and I order the salad. And yes, I eat sushi, I've even intentionally eaten raw meat. I read somewhere most fp comes from people's own kitchens since they don't pay attention to how they deal with raw foods, especially raw meat, and will heat up very old leftovers without thinking about it.

    @Doug: The only kind of specially seafood-bourne thing is that bivalve shellfish can carry norovirus and steaming doesn't get them hot enough to kill the noro. Most other fish is flash frozen when caught and very safe.
    Last edited by person54321; 03-24-2011 at 10:08 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    Quote Originally Posted by gumdropper1 View Post
    my 6th sense will tell me not to eat in a particular place.
    Has this been reliable for you? For example, have you avoided FP* where others have suffered?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    Guys I think part of getting over our emet is not doing this sort of thing. There's common sense, like not eating raw chicken, throwing out leftovers after a certain time frame, etc... But avoiding things like this make us more frightened. For instance at the peak of my emet I stopped wanting to eat uncooked foods, like salads. But when I realized I was avoiding them for my emet, I made myself eat them and now I'm less scared. This is how most emet programs work, do the things that scare you a little bit at a time.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    person54321 - good point. Food avoidance doesn't help at all. I've not v* since 1994 and in that time I can barely list a thing I HAVEN'T eaten. In that time I've eaten the following many, many, many times with no ill effects.

    Shellfish and prawns
    Chicken in restaurants millions of times (and pink!)
    All kinds of fast food
    Rare beef
    Rare lamb
    Foods from deli counters
    Finger buffets
    Off milk (by accident haha)
    Stale bread
    Food past its sell-by date
    Raw eggs

    Since 1994, I've only dry-heaved on three occasions. These were due to the following:

    1.Reaction to antibiotics I'm allergic to (1997)
    2.My drink being spiked by drugs (2008)
    3.Prawns (due to an intolerance I've had since a virus this winter, 2011)

    And even they didn't make me actually v*! On the latest occasion I actually had a full stomach after eating a huge meal, and I still didn't v*. Just as well really. My flatmate had gone into the shower and the bathroom was out of use, so my poor friend would have got it all over her, and my bedroom would have been pretty ruined. It was potentially darkly comic!

    Since 1985, when I was born, I've had food poisoning once. It was a dodgy bit of cold meat in Greece in 2003. That didn't make me v* at all. In fact, I didn't even feel nauseous. I just had bad d* for days which was cured with some antibiotics!

    I'm a great believer in a wide, varied diet. I KNOW I have a strong constitution and eating as many things as possible makes it stronger. In addition, eating out at as many places as possible reduces food anxiety.

  10. #10

    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    Wow thankyou everyone, and to Kazzia, wow, boy did you take a load of my back too. Thanks!


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    I have grown up around and enjoy seafood, and I work part time in the industry. Far be it from me to say Doug is wrong about things pertaining to vomit but... while it's true that some problems are only related to seafood they are usually pretty well defined and avoidable. So some seafood safety tips:
    1) Raw or rare shellfish....just don't do it, unless you understand and accept the risks and/or are deliberately doing it for exposure therapy
    2) Scombroid fish poisoning: comes from tuna, mackerel, mahi and maybe others. It is completely preventable as it is not inherent to the fish but rather a problem due to poor handling practices. You shouldn't have to worry about this one much if you buy the fish from a reputable dealer or you caught it and iced it immediately. Simply icing or refrigerating the fish is sufficient prevention and most scombroid fish is very safe.
    3) Ciguatera fish poisoning: Rare, except in the tropics, I personally avoid yellowfin grouper(and you will probably not see reputable dealers selling these guys) barracuda, and (almost entirely) Amberjack. Small Jacks are pretty safe. To be 100% safe you'd have to completely avoid the whole reef complex, but I accept a small risk to enjoy these fish (grouper, snapper, triggerfish, black sea bass....others)
    4) Puffer poisoning: Do I really need to say it? Don't do it. These are the critters from Japan the "fugu" also known as Death Puffer and a similar species in the Carribbean is thought to be the source of the poison for Vodou Zombie potions (I am dead serious) most N. American puffers are safe, but I have always practiced catch and release and haven't taken any chances on these.
    Really, rancid seafood is pretty obviously bad if you prepare it yourself and know what to look for. Rancid shrimp or prawns for example will definitely not pass muster even for non emets. They literally fail the smell test. Bottom line, I think anytime you eat anything you are taking a risk but food is necessary for survival and one of our major sources of pleasure. This is taken from me when my emet is very severe but I really try my level best to enjoy it when the emet is not at it's worst and my body feels well. Buy fresh or if you catch it, ice immediately, and seek local knowlege or consult reputable web sources on the seafood risks I mentioned. You too can enjoy seafood which is probably as safe as any other cooked protein. Exercise the when in doubt throw it out rule.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    I eat anything and everything (that I like anyhow, I am quite fussy) within reason. I rarely get take-away (perhaps once a month) and even rarer do I eat at restaurants. I haven't v* from illness since 1999. I don't think diet has anything to do with this. I think a persons overall health and immunity can play a role in how often one may get sick (and not just v* sick). I regularly get colds and throat infections etc each year but am otherwise healthy. *touch wood*.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    I don't get sick, but my diet is not great... well, it never used to be. Since I've started Weight Watchers, and now my diet is a lot better. I used to eat quite a lot of fatty food. I would eat a lot of fast food and not a lot of fruit, but now I eat a lot of food and less greasy fatty food. The last time I vomited was a couple of years ago from mild food poisoning, but before that it had been about eleven years.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    There`s one food that really is scary for me, & that`s sushi. I know that it`s really trendy right now, but no-one could persuade me to try it, I mean, raw fish!!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    I've eaten everything and anything for my whole life. I V* once in 1993 and once in 2010. Growing up i was fed a lot of seafood and chinese food. Although i used to eat at restaurants a few times a month, i don't anymore due to my worsening emetophobia. It seems that there are no foods that really affect V*, unless it weren't cooked properly, or if it was handled by a sick person. That's why i also prefer to prepare my own meals because i don't trust restaurants.
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  16. #16
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    Default Re: V*ing Diets?

    Sushi is so safe if you get it prepared by a reputable place. I get mine at a chain, because their hygeine is incredible. Each to their own though, it tastes amazing.



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