
I have mumps at the moment (have been unwell about 2 weeks now) and havent been sick once. Have you had your MMR jab? If you have one you are 90% protected and if u have had 2 you are 99% protected. Your sister, like me might just be one of the unlucky 10 or 1% so you may not catch it. Also, you are only contagious a week before and a week after the swelling starts so she may not even be contagious when she gets home. Apparently mumps is less contagious than chickenpox.

I have been in extremely close contact with my boyfriend since i got ill and beforehand as was contagiuos before i knew i had it. It has been about the right incubation that if he was going to get it he probably would have by now and he is showing absolutely no signs.

I have looked on a number of webistes about the symptoms of mumps and none of them have listedv as a common symptom, so maybe it has affected your sister slightly differently.

Also, I am at uni too, and i know that i am so run down when im away from home that i am prone to infection, what with not eating properly, not sleeping properly and stress over work.

Try not to worry too much, if you have not had your MMR it may be worth arranging one with your doctor before you sister comes home, or if you have only had one have a top up, thats what i shall be doing as soon as I get well again.

I hope this has put your mind at rest a little

Nicki xx