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Thread: IBS Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default IBS Help

    Hello everyone, its me posting yet another thread lol. sorry,
    i have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome for the people who didnt know) i either have d* or constipation, but everytime i have d* i always have a cramp and feel n* afterwards, i was wondering that people that have ibs, is this normal to you, and if you drink fizzy drinks do you sometimes get trapped wind like you need to burb and it just seems to keep getting stuck and it makes you feel even worse.... cause im really scared.... ive tried buscopan ibs relief tablets but they dont always work, please someone help , cause my anxiety is at its highest at the moment
    Last edited by Danielle_Walton; 05-21-2011 at 05:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: IBS Help

    hello, i have d* often and i dont think i have ibs, just really sensitive to certain kinds of foods i guess. what you are describing sounds pretty normal. you're gonna be okay! some things you can do to ease the discomfort is take something with ginger in it to help with the nausea. also try taking some sort of gas medication or you can take charcoal tablets, those always seem to work for me. i understand the whole trapped air bubble thing, it can be really painful sometimes. the nausea probably comes from your body feeling dehydrated after having d* so just drink water and maybe a little bit of juice after having d*. for air bubble in the throat thing, i get that too, usually at night for some reason. it is really annoying but i've never v* from it, so it doesn;t worry me too much anymore. don't be scared, you are gonna be okay!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: IBS Help

    My mum has IBS, and when she has an episode, she can't eat for about 48 hours afterwards - she completely loses her appetite. I read online that nausea is actually a symptom of it. You're fine!

  4. #4

    Default Re: IBS Help

    i'm an ibs sufferer myself so i feel your pain. -big hugs-

    so in the past couple of years of being diagnosed, i've felt the BEST thing for bad d* is immodium. it's quick, and i only sometimes take one and it does the trick just fine. you can also get these immodium that just dissolve quickly on your tongue to save you trying to swallow a tablet if need be.

    peppermint oil is good for TONS. it's easily available and not too expensive. i always carry it around. this helps with cramps from ibs, along with indigestion, bloating, and can even help with d* and constipation.

    also, for the nausea? ginger. it's a wonder drug, and some people say it's better than anti - emetics. you can chew crystallized ginger, take ginger root capsules, drink ginger tea or there are even sweets available. there's loads of ways you can take it.

    i'm now also trying a new thing called alow vera juice. i take a couple of tablespoons a day and it's meant to 'cleanse your colon' just keeping the bad bacteria at bay and what not.

    hope this helps, let me know if i can help in any other way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: IBS Help

    Thank You all for your help. and thank you so much thelittlestranger that has helped me alot i will definatly look into what you have suggested anything to help me is better than nothing



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