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Thread: vicious cycle

  1. #1

    Default vicious cycle

    because of pms-related gastro problems i haven't eaten very well in six days. now i feel nauseous every morning upon waking and my chest feels faint/heavy. the nausea can most often be relieved when i eat but sometimes i'm too nauseous to put anything in my mouth therefore
    more nausea.
    what should i do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    australia, NSW

    Default Re: vicious cycle

    try eating anything. i know its hard when you feel sick but its what you need. your body is most likely asking for food. its gotten past that huner stage so now you just feel horrible. i get feelings like tht all the time. just something small or lite, nothing to drastic. it wont hurt you. if you feel n* after eating that then i think its due to anxiety, thinking that the food you just ate will make you sick.
    No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    uk, surrey,croydon

    Default Re: vicious cycle

    Maybe if you try eating something light, or bland, that's what I do when i'm n* because, if I can't taste the food it doesn't make me feel s*, but you are deffinately feeling n* because you aren't eating, just try your hardest to eat something, you'll feel better for it.
    I know that there are those that are waiting for failure, but
    my answer to that is that there is no such thing as failure.
    You can only fail if you stop too soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Re: vicious cycle

    Is it anxiety related nausea, raging hormones can send anxiety into overdrive which then causes the nausea. When ive got pms and have it i literally force myself to eat as i know that its not true nausea and i usually feel better afterwards.



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