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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default IBS anyone? SOOOO scared of V!

    Hello, im new to all this so sorry if this has already been run through somewhere or something, but anyway, im 18 and suffer BAD emetophobia! I think it stemed from getting food poisoned when i was 6/7 and I spent 2 weeks (on holiday just to make it worse) being violently ill! As fas as i can recall this was the last time i V.

    Since then though I was diagnosed with IBS from when I was 11, upset stomach when im overly happy, sad, excited, scared, eaten too much, not eaten enough, the list is endless, it's only recently ive kind of managed better to cope with that, after it ruining practically all my teenage years (I didnt go to school i ended up almost in care coz my mum couldnt cope with my panic attacks from emetophobia coz when i have an upset stomach i immideatly associate it with V making me panic and it goes in a circle)

    SO ANYWAY, usually with my ibs i go to the loo twice probably the most in one night feel sick for a couple of hours (mainly due to panicking) then im fine til the next episode... the other night i had it so i figured it was no different, only im STILL having it now, and all day yesterday, im worried i have a SV and that im gonna V... im soooooooooo scared!

    What if this isnt a bad case of IBS (as i keep being told) and i have a SV?! I cant cope with that! I would literally rather lose a limb or something than V! I become suicidle over it when it's so bad and i dont want to go down that path again! I just want my upset stomach to go!

    Ive just taken some co-codamol for my pain and a buccastem tablet i found in my draw i was perscribed months ago for feeling sick, (which i find myself getting addicted to in some phases) but i only have one more after this one!

    Does anyone else have IBS here? Maybe thats only so bad coz im worrying so much? But i just cant stop and keep having panic atttacks all night

    sorry for the blab!

  2. #2

    Default Re: IBS anyone? SOOOO scared of V!

    Oh my, I know exactly how you feel.

    I woke up this morning feeling fine. Then I went to the loo and not making it too graphical it was pure liquid.

    Well I know I have IBS and I am not currently on medication and I hardly ate anything yesterday and well it is probably IBS but guess what, I am going to be so worried today why this happened and I am so afraid that I am going to V** that my day is now ruined.

    It's so strange, I have hardly ate anything, I have IBS and my mind thinks I will throw up.

    Stupid emetophobia, hate it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: IBS anyone? SOOOO scared of V!

    Everbody gets IBS at some point in their lives I believe (daily stresses of life, etc)

    Though with IBS, most commonly a person either goes from one exterme to another with either constpation or diarrhea. V* is not so much associated with it.

    I know sometimes if I have a stomach ache and feel like I'm goin to V* my body sometimes tricks itself and I end up going to the bathroom and end up feeling ten times better. Though sometimes being constpated makes a person feel icky...Hope all gets better for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Re: IBS anyone? SOOOO scared of V!

    All I can say is; probiotics. I have IBS issues and for the longest time I had no way of controlling the symptoms but probiotics have definately helped a lot - especially if you can't eat dairy. I'm not 100% symptom free but I am free of having loose stools and cramps in the mornings. Stress is the major reason I might have a flare-up but other than that, I am finding it easier to get through the day without severe issues.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Phoenix, Arizona

    Default Re: IBS anyone? SOOOO scared of V!

    I have IBS and all the stomach cramps that go along with it. I usually get an attach of diarrhea every few days. I'm quick to pop a pepto or imodium, but I'm trying to get away from that level of self-medication - all it does is make me constipated until I get my next IBS attack!

    One thing to keep in mind that has helped me... if your stomach is crampy or if your stools are loose - if anything at all is a bit off in your digestive tract, it can make you feel nauseous. After a bowel movement or a belch or something, the stomach discomfort and nausea goes away. I know it can be hard to tell yourself these things in the moment, but just try to remember that your whole tract is messed up, and because you feel nauseous doesn't mean you'll vomit.



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