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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    United States

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    Mustard. I CAN'T stand it. I have allways hated it. Not hate it to eat but just everything about it. I have never and will never eat mustard of any kind. My husband thinks it is so funny. It pisses me off so bad when he leaves it on his plate or a knife. I feel like he leaves it there on purpose to make me mad. I even hate touching the bottle for fear that it may have drips or spills and it will get on my skin.

    I don't know why. I JUST HATE IT SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    jen06 i have very similar fears about loosing someone or witnissing Death* also and Cancer8

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    i also have the fear of jello LOL

  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2011
    U.S.A Georgia

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    besides eme. itself, im afraid it will cripple my life and stop what i really want to become. A United States Marine!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Rhode Island

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    I can't really say that I have a strong fear for anything aside from vomiting. I get nervous when I am on the edge of something high like a building or bridge (I stand as far away from the edge as possible), I always get this overwhelming feeling and actually have difficulty breathing, get dizzy, etc. I think its the idea of not having something beneath me, especially on something suspended, or just envisioning myself falling. I wouldn't say that its a phobia though because I still do all of these things.

    I also absolutely loathe public speaking. I can talk to people in conversation all day as I am extremely outgoing, but put me up in front of a class or audience to speak by myself with all eyes on me... forget it. I'll fumble my words, speak too quickly, start to sweat and shake, ugh. I avoided it at all costs in high school and college.

    That's all I can think of...can't say I am afraid of much.

    **Edit: maybe getting cancer and losing my parents, also. its something I think about sometimes that really really bothers me, but I don't dwell on it.
    Last edited by idontfeelreal; 07-02-2011 at 10:46 PM.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    Not sure how to describe this. It is not something I like defining as fear, more of inability. I am sure it must be rooted in fear. Anyway it is urinating in certain situations. I can’t use public restrooms with people in them. I have made some strides though, at one point I could not go in any un-familiar bathroom. I have gone almost a day without being able to urinate before, needing to the whole time. I try but I can’t, my body physically wouldn’t let me. It’s strange. Yes my doctors know.
    I also have social phobias. I fear certain philosophical paradoxes, like the concept of solipsism. I have OCD and fear not fulfilling my compulsions – however stupid they may be.

  7. #37

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    spiders, i thought i saw one (it was a leaf lol) and screamed and ran from my car.
    i don't like pooping or even passing gas in public lol but it isn't a phobia
    being stuck on something and not being able to get off (because of emet)
    but by far my emetophobia is the one that affects me the most.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    Apart from emet, mostly for me everything comes down to fearing/believing that I am not good enough. Being fat, even uglier than I already am, imperfect, and I guess just failing at life are all terrifying for me. I also fear that I will be single and alone for ever; again the whole not being good enough thing. I don't like worms/bugs, clowns, crowds or crying babies either, but not to a phobic degree.
    Disclaimer: Any nutritional or health related advice I give is well intentioned and intended for general educational purposes only that may or may not apply to your personal health situation. It does NOT in any way, shape or form constitute as medical or dietetic advice. I am not your nutritionist and you are not my patient. Please discuss anything you may learn from any of my health related posts with your doctor and nutritionist prior to making any related changes.

    Love me or hate me I am who I am. It isn't going to change. Don't confuse a succinct response or commitment to accuracy as being cavalier or patronizing.

  9. #39

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    * Dentists and 3D films (related to emet)
    * Bugs that are on/near me without my control. I'll happily hold a tarantula in my hand if I know where it is and where it's going, but if so much as an ant starts crawling on/around me without my knowledge, I'll freak out
    * Dead bugs. They make my hairs stand on end, even if they're encased in amber or something
    * Heights
    * Strange noises in the night... or during the day for that matter
    * The dark, sometimes
    * Scary movies. My hard literally starts racing during something like CSI; I don't think I could handle a horror film.

    Nothing comes close to emet, though, in the sense that it effects my every decision.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    Quote Originally Posted by ann32 View Post
    I'm afraid of pooping in a public bathroom as well, but really anywhere where someone else is present. It's taken me 6 yrs to poop with him in the house. I'm also afraid of heights and roller coasters
    I was gettin nervous there for a second...I thought I was the only one with the public pooping haha. .

    I also hate roller coasters too!! Actually, any ride that has a significant drop (log flumes, etc) because I HATE that sensation of your stomach being in your throat. I enjoy being able to breathe. I love ferris wheels, carousels, and the swings though hah.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    New York

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    Heights and bugs. But not on the same level as emet =O

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    I don't like the ocean. I don't like the shore, or deep sea. The waves scare me really bad on shore, I HAVE swam in the ocean twice, but I gave up on it the last time. I couldn't get far enough out to not get caught in the tide because the waves just looked seriously not friendly. and in deep sea, well its just scary because its deep, dark, and unknown.. if I ever got lost to sea, I'd probably drown myself out of fear.. I once went whale watching and it was terrifying lol.. I get sortof nervous in lakes and ponds too, I don't enjoy swimming where I can't feel my feet in them, or even in really deep water in general.. it all around just bothers me.. I once went parasailing, and when they drop you in the water, (it was a lake) its a deep section, I swam as fast as i could to shore... ick.

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    Kentucky, USA

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    I have a few other fears. Talking on the phone is definitely one. That seems to be a common one, so yay! I'm not alone.

    I'm also very afraid of failure. People seem to think it's silly but it really affects me! I even get uncomfortable talking about other people who failed at something.

    We're all weird in our own ways

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    Flying - need to take Diazepam just to get on the plane!

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    My fears are exactly the same as pretendworld_. I REALLY hate talking to strangers on the phone, like customer support, or a teacher and I'm deathly afraid of cockroaches. When I see one I freeze turn around and run screaming and crying. :P sad huh?

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    Lets not forget another big fear for me is bees!!! I don't mind bumblebees, but any of the other ones yellowjackets, hornets, and wasps, I will run run run!!

    I'm not allergic either. I've been stung three times, it hurts like hell.

  17. #47
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Besides Emet...what else are you afraid of

    I consider emet my only phobia because it's the only thing that I'm afraid of that affects my day to day life. But I'm also afraid of peeing my pants (like being stuck somewhere and not being able to go to the bathroom), fires, car accidents, trucks, spiders, snakes, gaining weight, fainting (which I've never even done before), and losing a family member prematurely.

    Then there's also thing that are related to emet that I'm afraid of, like orange and apple juice, planes, hospitals, large crowds, traffic, elevators, etc.
    Last edited by sandbags; 07-14-2011 at 09:49 AM.
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