Quote Originally Posted by sage View Post
It's so great to have this thread which is almost like a blog of your experiences! We should encourage other people in treatment to do this - it's SO enlightening for people who are afraid to try.

Emmalinda: call the psychologist! Remember they can't MAKE you do anything you don't want to do! YOU are paying the money. The only "waste of money" should be the very first session when you ask honest questions and ask exactly how treatment will go. Good luck!
Thank you for the kind comments and for "promoting" this thread to a Sticky!

I did have a sort of blog in mind when I started it as I want to go into as much detail as possible with the intention of giving people who want to get treatment but don't know what it entails as much help as I can. After all, seems a bit of a waste to (hopefully) go through this process successfully but then not tell anyone how I did it and what I had to do!

No update this week by the way, as my therapist is away so I've just been getting on with stuff by myself and will update again next Thursday/Friday when I've spoken to her again.