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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yorkshire, England.

    Default It's exhausting. Please help.

    I've posted on here before, about a month ago actually about suffering with really bad trapped wind(gas) and constipation but it seems to have gotten worse. I've had it all day today, to the point where I've struggled to eat because it's making me feel so sick I'm currently in bed, so tired just trying to sleep and it's impossible. My stomach just feels so uncomfortable, not any pain as such just the discomfort is getting to me now. I've suffered with constipation for a long time now but this feels different as it's never really made me feel sick before. I'm not sure if it even is trapped wind anymore or constipation. My stomach keeps making gurgling sounds, I keep breaking wind and there is a slight ache to my stomach all over but as I say it's not really painful. If anyone can understand or has had simmilar to what I've described, please can you help me? I've been reading up on it, chronic flatuence that is and I'm just scaring myself so if there's anything at all you think you can say or suggest to help me please do. I appreciate it in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: It's exhausting. Please help.

    well im not exactly sure how to help you, but i am the same in the constipation sense ! I go to the bathroom like twice a week, and am always getting cramps due to it. i get gassy sometimes from it, usually at night, but i do not think i have extreme gas. But i get the gurgles, then discomfort, then gas. I think that we just suffer from IBS, have you tried changing your diet ? Just know that i understand completely how you feel with the constipation and fear matter.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: It's exhausting. Please help.

    That sounds very unpleasant but I truly don't think it's anything to worry about at all. Do you eat enough fibre in your diet, keep hydrated enough? Do you take any medications or supplements? Iron and calcium and even those ingredients when included in multivitamins can slow some people's digestion right down, as can anti-emetics, maybe even the contraceptive pill. A lot of things can cause constipation; it may be that white bread and white pasta disagrees with you, and that you should have wholemeal instead. As for feeling windy, it might just be as a result of the constipation, or it might be due to vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. I think you should ask the doctor about it because it seems to be very unpleasant and long-term for you. I very much doubt anything is seriously wrong. It is so unlikely with these symptoms in a young person. You could use a mild laxative in the short term, like milk of magnesia, or bulk-forming ones available from chemists (you can ask a pharmacist for advice). Bananas can also help I think so long as they're ripe, not still green. But I'd suggest seeing your GP so you can get to the root of what is causing the problem. I would imagine they'll say IBS but don't be disheartened as you'll likely find you can manage it with changing your diet etc. You'll be fine, I promise. xxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yorkshire, England.

    Default Re: It's exhausting. Please help.

    Quote Originally Posted by heydani View Post
    well im not exactly sure how to help you, but i am the same in the constipation sense ! I go to the bathroom like twice a week, and am always getting cramps due to it. i get gassy sometimes from it, usually at night, but i do not think i have extreme gas. But i get the gurgles, then discomfort, then gas. I think that we just suffer from IBS, have you tried changing your diet ? Just know that i understand completely how you feel with the constipation and fear matter.
    Thank you, it's nice to know you understand & I appreciate your reply. I'm currently trying to change my diet because i've been told by a couple of people it's most likely due to my diet but I am trying my very best. Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yorkshire, England.

    Default Re: It's exhausting. Please help.

    Quote Originally Posted by cinque View Post
    That sounds very unpleasant but I truly don't think it's anything to worry about at all. Do you eat enough fibre in your diet, keep hydrated enough? Do you take any medications or supplements? Iron and calcium and even those ingredients when included in multivitamins can slow some people's digestion right down, as can anti-emetics, maybe even the contraceptive pill. A lot of things can cause constipation; it may be that white bread and white pasta disagrees with you, and that you should have wholemeal instead. As for feeling windy, it might just be as a result of the constipation, or it might be due to vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. I think you should ask the doctor about it because it seems to be very unpleasant and long-term for you. I very much doubt anything is seriously wrong. It is so unlikely with these symptoms in a young person. You could use a mild laxative in the short term, like milk of magnesia, or bulk-forming ones available from chemists (you can ask a pharmacist for advice). Bananas can also help I think so long as they're ripe, not still green. But I'd suggest seeing your GP so you can get to the root of what is causing the problem. I would imagine they'll say IBS but don't be disheartened as you'll likely find you can manage it with changing your diet etc. You'll be fine, I promise. xxx
    Hi there. I do have quite a bit of fibre in my diet actually but probably not enough & no I don't take any supplements or medication to be honest so I know they can't be the root problem. I eat at least two vegatable stirfrys a week which include quite a lot of peppers so i'm starting to think they could be part of the cause? I'm really not sure and it is starting to make me feel like crap basically. I know my gran suffers with IBS so i'm not completely ruling it out but i'm a bit apprehensive about going to my GP as from past experiences they don't seem to care or tell me anything I don't already know. I really hope you're right, I guess i'm just going to change my diet around completely, i've already started making a few changes. I'll see how that goes and see if things change by doing this. Thank you for your help and advice, muchly appreciated X

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: It's exhausting. Please help.

    It could well be IBS; it's such a widespread condition. Although it's not genetic as such, a tendency towards it *is* inherited, I think. IBS is a bit of a vague term though I think because it really describes such a variety of symptoms and experiences. To me it sounds like your diet would not lead to constipation when eaten by most people. Have you tried any mild laxatives or fibre supplements? I understand your reluctance to see the doctor but it would be worth a try I think xxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: It's exhausting. Please help.

    IBS is such a load of crap, it makes me hate my doctor. I added tons of fiber to my diet, like tons. And I am still constipated.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: It's exhausting. Please help.

    I have IBS and it frequently makes me constipated and feeling horrible. I take buscopan for the stomach cramps when they are bad. I get flare ups when its really bad and diet doesnt really seem to play that big a part. I find drinking plenty of fluids(preferably water) and exercising helps. There have been times when Ive resorted to laxatives but that was when I wasnt going to the loo for more than 2 weeks at a time! I didnt like taking them as they often caused me intense stomach pain.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Default Re: It's exhausting. Please help.

    Quote Originally Posted by heydani View Post
    IBS is such a load of crap, it makes me hate my doctor. I added tons of fiber to my diet, like tons. And I am still constipated.

    i once saw a great stomach doc at the university of michigan. i had a bad bout of food poisoning in 2003 and that's what caused my ibs. its a dysfunction of the nerves between the brain and stomach/intestines. that's why its almost impossible to cure.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yorkshire, England.

    Default Re: It's exhausting. Please help.

    Thank you all so much for your replies, I really appreciate you all trying to help/advise me. I think the plan from here is to try and change my diet around, which as I have already said above i'm in the process of doing and I shall give it a month from now. If things don't improve and the flatuence is still a chronic problem I will (reluctantly!) go and see my GP. I shall keep you posted through this thread what and if changes are made within the next couple of weeks. Thanks again guys, really happy I got some responds



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