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  1. #1

    Question Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    I am due to give birth in a few months and at my hospital appointment today, the midwife mentioned that a lot of women *v during labour. It freaked me out a bit because I thought I was ok, having successfully made it past week 12 without getting morning sickness!

    Are there any mums out there who can tell me whether they were sick or nauseous during labour? Or why it happens, or what you can do to avoid it?

    Thanks heaps.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    I wasn't sick or nauseous during labour, I had gas and air, I know some other forms of pain relief can cause you to feel nauseous though.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    I did not v* during labor. I think maybe some women do because of pushing so much? Not sure. I don't think any of my friends who have had children v* either.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    suffolk, uk

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    I have had 3 children, no morning sickness but a little nausea with the labours of the final 2. Nausea can happen during labour because as the baby bares down into the birth canal (called transition) it can cause a chemical hormone inbalance similar to morning sickness.
    The main problem I had with nausea is the jab that they give you in your leg afterwards to deliver the placenta. In my ante natel classes I was told that it often makes women nauseas, but I figured - I'm an emet nothing makes me v. I was very wrong, I felt so nauseas that I couldn't even hold my baby, never v though. After that I never had that jab again, I pushed the next 2 afterbirths out naturally (even though this did seem to piss my midwives off), but oh well - my body, my choice and all that. Hope this doesn't frighten you, but I wish someone had told me these things to begin with xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Southampton, UK

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    I was induced and also ended up having a c-section and although I did feel a bit shaky and slightly sick during the c-section, at no point did I feel sick during labour. Pethadine can apparently make you feel sick if you are offered this as pain relief. But, I can assure you that none of my friends or myself were ever sick in labour - Good luck xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    my wife got sick really bad during our 2nd daughters labor. they wont give you meds for it either, its just one of those things you are going to have to deal with. it may not even happen to you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Jacksonville, NC

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    I never got sick! You will be fine. Most women vomit from the level of pain, if you can focus on what is happening and calm down, breathe and concentrate you will be fine. You will do great! And the best part is, you get to see your sweet baby

  8. #8
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    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    Quote Originally Posted by fixxxer2012 View Post
    my wife got sick really bad during our 2nd daughters labor. they wont give you meds for it either, its just one of those things you are going to have to deal with. it may not even happen to you.
    This is so NOT true! At least here if you need medication, be it pain medication, an epidural or antiemetics during labour they will give it to you. Just make sure you talk with your OB before and make sure they write on your file to give you IV antiemetics immediately should you need or want them.
    Disclaimer: Any nutritional or health related advice I give is well intentioned and intended for general educational purposes only that may or may not apply to your personal health situation. It does NOT in any way, shape or form constitute as medical or dietetic advice. I am not your nutritionist and you are not my patient. Please discuss anything you may learn from any of my health related posts with your doctor and nutritionist prior to making any related changes.

    Love me or hate me I am who I am. It isn't going to change. Don't confuse a succinct response or commitment to accuracy as being cavalier or patronizing.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    i did not v during later and i heard the same thing when i was pregnant.toward the end during the pushing stage i was a little neauses bt thats it.i was induced and n labor for 16hours.the only thing that happened that bothered me was my epidural didnt work so i basically had a natural birth lol.dnt worry hun u will b fine

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    suffolk, uk

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    Someone mentioned about pethadine and about not using anti nausea drugs. I live in uk so it may be difeerent in other places, but with baby number 2 I had pethedine, was very reluctant as I have heard it can make you v. I told my midwives my fears and the administered an anti nausea drug at the same time and I didn't feel nausea from the meds at all. X

  11. #11

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    Thank you SO much ladies. I really appreciate the replies and I feel heaps better now. Thank you
    Last edited by KTB; 09-01-2011 at 07:04 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    Quote Originally Posted by fixxxer2012 View Post
    my wife got sick really bad during our 2nd daughters labor. they wont give you meds for it either, its just one of those things you are going to have to deal with. it may not even happen to you.
    Not true. I got nauseous during my daughter's labor, and they gave me zofran IV immediately. No worries.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    I didn't have morning sickness and didn't v* during labor. I had an epidural so I didn't really feel much pain. During transition, I did feel slightly nauseated and shaky, but not much. I had a c section and the anesthesiologist probably thought I was crazy because I asked him if I was going to v*. He said "it's pretty likely" but I didn't!!! I think he was surpised because I heard him yelling nurse afterwards that I didn't get sick. Lol
    And I know this sounds cliche, but honest to God, in that moment (or should I say in those 32 hours of labor lol) I really wouldn't have cares if I did. I was nervous about it before just like you, but you just want to get it over with and you forget about everything else. At least I did.
    And congratulations on your baby! You'll do great!

  14. #14
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    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    I had two kids and didn't v* through the pregnancy OR the labors/deliveries . They said they would have given me medicine if I needed it but I didn't. That was my biggest fear of labor LOL.
    They said it actually helps push? I got both of mine out in less than a half hour so I don't think I needed it :-)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    Yeah I have a friend that's a labor and delivery nurse. I asked her about it before I had my son and she said it happens. They apparently like it when they have a "puker" because it speeds up the process. Lol

    I don't think it happens as often as some might say. My mom had 4 kids, my sister 3, and me 1 and none of us did. I asked a LOT of women I worked with about it before and out of about 20, only 1 said she did!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Portland, OR

    Default Re: Question for Mums - V* during labour?

    I didn't get sick with either of my 2 boys. I did get really nauseous after giving birth with my 2nd, but they gave me anti-nausea meds and I was fine after that. You'll do great!



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