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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    I've had this "condition" for five years now and it's always worse at Christmas - I kind of expect to feel ill now and of course it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. I get so worried about being sick that I get anxiety-induced nausea.
    <DIV>This year I managed OK before Christmas Day - except of course for bolting from the house at 2.00am on the 20th December because DS (age 4yrs) was retching!! I turned up on my sisters doorstep in the early hours and refused to go home until the coast was clear!!</DIV>
    <DIV>Christmas Day was fine but on Boxing Day I ate w-a-y too much, my tummy felt really full and then I dwelled and dwelled on it until I felt actively sick. I've felt really nauseous ever since. </DIV>
    <DIV>Yesterday was a low point, I was in floods of tears - I just get into a spiral of nausea and it's so hard to break it. Anyway,I went to the doctors this morning and the GP (not my own) increased my Citalopram and gave me an alternative anti-sickness (I usually have Domperidone - he gave me Metoclopromide) so fingers-crossed!! </DIV>
    <DIV>I still feel really sick - I keep thinking I should go and do the deed and get it over with but I know for a fact that there is no physical reason at all for me to feel sick. I'm just in a spiral of anxiety-induced nausea andI don't seem to be able to break out of it.</DIV>
    <DIV>I keep eating a little, todayI had toast, a sandwich and a small portion of shepherds pie. I think maybe it's better not to eat because thenI can't v* but I know I will feel worse.</DIV>
    <DIV>Do you have any tips to try and break out of this spiral? Ho can I stop *imagining* I feel sick?</DIV>
    <DIV>Please help...........</DIV>
    Sarah :0)

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Oh Sarah, I read your post and I swear it was me, I am taking Metoclopromide now, and for me its HEAVEN SENT, but because I am under going tests to try and see why I am Nausea all the time, my Dr has requested that I stop taking it. (it has been HARD) its been almost 2 weeks, and had to take one the other night. I am also doing the same to myself, I panic soo much, that I truely believe I worry myself into feeling sick, I just try and calm down, and think of a happy place, and I am not sure why but it tends to wk.. But right now I am DIEING, so it feels like. Last night I was certian I was sick, and so I woke up with my tummy all upset, and now at wk Im just ready to cry, I hate this phobia, and just when I think I have it beat, it in turn comes back with a vengence. U know I was thinking, I am 30 and I can count on my two hands how many times I have V****. Imagine that, I worry about something that has occured only 7 times in 30 yrs..I know there are some many things out there, that are worse.. I am sorry to ramble on on, I am having a down day as well.. I hope you are feeling better. Christy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Awwwww, sounds like you need to reassure yourself that you have no reason to panic. If your son was sick on the 20th, you are WAAAAYYYY in the clear for that bug. That is what you need to do, or atleast try...

    Do something that is relaxing for you, and just keep asking yourself, "Why am I so anxious?" Then if it is because of your son's bug, tell yourself the FACTS..."I cannot catch his bug now...it is gone...he is no longer contagious, and I would have had it by now if I were going to get it."

    Take a nice, long, relaxing bath. Soak in some aromatherapy bath foam. Play some relaxing music. Distract yourself with a good book or movie. Everytime anxiety induced nausea creeps up on you, ward it off with the facts, and go back to relaxing. Keep doing that, til you automatically don't anymore.

    I have gone through what you are talking about, and it is no fun. You need to get your thoughts in check!!! Goodluck! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] Charlotte

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I've been through the same thing you are going through right now. I'm better now though. For me, the best thing to do is to do something to take your mind off of the emet. Whether it's shopping, watching TV, working, doing things you enjoy, reading. Really anything. Try to keep yourself busy. I get like that at work sometimes, and when I do, I just keep myself busy and concentrate really hard on what I'm working on. Hope you feel better soon. It will pass.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I am so sympathetic to you, I feel like you are talking about me. I get stressed induced nausea all the time, and I just wish and wish that it would go away and that I would not have been born this way. I know that winter is worse for me, because of all the bugs floating around. Sometimes I get so upset about it and so frustrated with myself because I can't help it, that I just break down and cry and cry. And my kids get worried, and my husband does not understand at all. He thinks it is all in my mind, and something that can be controlled. Believe me, I know none of us want to be this way. Just wanted you to know that I totally relate to you , and am feeling for you as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Aw that does sound aweful. Sorry to hear you've been having such a
    rough time lately, but just try to distract yourself. Trust your body
    to do what it needs to. Remember that this is just anxiety and nothing
    more, so make it a goal to get rid of that. I hope you feel better,
    maybe read or watch some tv.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    yes try to distract yourself...
    i always take a bath, music, read as well...does none of this help? Talk to yourself..tell yourself you're okay and you're not sick.. it is okay to feel a little "off" we have all been there.. *prayers* for you.. feel better!
    BUT DO IT!! -unknown

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. -dr wayne dyer

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    I know that distracting yourself is hard, but sometimes you just have
    to force yourself to do it. If I'm in the mindset where watching TV or
    reading just won't take my mind off of it, I try to do something
    productive with that fact. That's when I usually come here and reply to
    a bunch of posts to reassure people who aren't feeling well.

    I hope you start feeling better soon.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom


    right well your N* is anxiety induced so you CAN talk yourself out of it. I do this all the time. the best thing i to tell yourself you would have been sick by now. Think about it, if you have felt like this for a while, you would have been sick already and it hasnt happened yet. I know its hard but if you can break the cycle, you will feel better. I know exactly how you feel because i get it too. Try and find something to distract you. i find video games to be good because they are very absorbing and take your mind off it. Then everytime your mind wanders tell yourself that you would have been sick by now and its only because your anxious.

    This method has worked for me many times so i hope it works for you. I dont kno if this is possible but im sure that there are times when i have had a stomach bug or something and i have actually talked my self out of being sick. Does anyone else think they have this ability?

    I hope you feel well soon **Hugs**

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United States


    about the "talking yourself out of it" topic, i thought about that a while ago when i had to walk outside at work to get fresh air. I really think it's possible. I read stuff about that all the time. My fiancee was v* on sunday night and my sister was sick (I don't live with her but i was there everyday that she was sick)and I have had an anxious stomach ever since then. but i'm pretty sure that i would have had it by now, since it's been 4 days....

    so the theory is very possible. It makes me feel better anyway!!!

    (knock on wood that i didn't jinx myself)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom


    This happens to me all the time Sarah. I worry that much about being sick, thati make myself actually feel sick and then i panic even more. It seems to happen a lot at night, i'm not quite sure why, but i convince myself that i'm going to be sick, and so i sit up all night waiting for it to happen...but it thankfully doesn't because it is all in my head.

    I still haven't figured out how to stop myself from doing this, but it does help if you can try and take your mind off it by doing something else, and just keep telling yourself over and over again that there's absolutely no reason why you should be sick!


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