Quote Originally Posted by clands View Post
I'd definitely prefer to be alone, however, the only person who I would ever allow to be in a room with me is my mother. Even though I'm 21, I still call her or text her when I feel sick. I know that probably sounds really bad, but its a comfort factor with me.. she always makes me feel better and she is comforting and nurturing and really the only person who has ever understood my phobia.

But this got me thinking, am I the only one who feels that way with my mother? Does anyone have this with their mother or father?
I don't want to ever be alone when I feel ill. It makes it so much worse if I'm on my own.

And if I feel unwell I will usually try and find someone to talk to or something to distract myself (such as the internet). I have phoned my mam a LOT before. The thought that one day I will probably have to be s* on my own terrifies me. If I have someone's hand to hold and someone who can take care of me, I might be able to get through it, but never, ever, ever, EVER can I imagine being on my own.

Oh, I'm rambling. So yes, clands, I have that with my mother. Although last time she shouted at me and made me feel miserable and I actually cried, so my 'person' has now deferred to my other half (he lives 300 miles away just now).