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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    United States

    Default Shopping & Facebook.

    Ugh. I went shopping today with my mom in Dubuque and the whole time I felt "off"...and I don't know why. I felt like everywhere we went that there was SOMEONE among the shoppers who is/was sick. Everywhere we went was pretty busy and I just felt really uncomfortable. We ate lunch at Culver's and I was really on edge. I wish I wouldn't have eaten.

    Now that I'm home, I still feel off. I hopped on Facebook and yet, another person posted about having a sv*. I HATE it. It's not even anyone close to me, but it's still a huge trigger. I almost feel like I'm doomed.

    I go through this every year, but I never seem to get any less anxious about this time of year. I really just wish noro didn't exist and I never had to worry about it.

    What are my chances of having picked anything up when I was out shopping? Is that really any type of breeding ground for picking up sv*es?

    I CAN get through this! ♥Melanie♥

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Birmingham, Alabama

    Default Re: Shopping & Facebook.

    I go through the same stuff. It's all I think about. I hate crowds and being in public. I wish I had the right words to say to you but, I don't. I'm here for support if you need me. From what everybody says on here its not airborne. But I have no idea. I just wish it didn't exist. Sigh. Anyways. Try to enjoy your evening and have an anxiety free night. That's my hope for you and for all of us. Good vibes your way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Shopping & Facebook.

    I understand that you are upset, but you are definitely not doomed. Stomach viruses are going around all the time--regardless of the time/season. Try and relax. I know it's very unnerving to see all the statuses on Facebook, but just remind yourself that you are going to be alright. Good luck!



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