In Australia over the past few years we have had the most terrifying alcohol related ad I could ever imagine. As soon as it starts it's a zoomed in shot of the toilet bowl with watery v* in it, and it's like we're looking through the drunks eyes, and the camera sways like he is dizzy, and you hear a voice of a little girl who would be the daughter of the drunk guy says something like "daddy are you okay" and he looks up to her and she's standing there confused and worried.

Words cannot describe how awful this ad is for an emet, and they would play it generally later at night but quite a few times it appeared in primetime tv, and even in morning tv! I have never seen the ad in full because I (true story) duck for literal cover every time it comes on because 1. it is terrifying to watch, and 2. he moans so I can't listen to it!

I would have to mute ads, or put it on another channel, or walk away in ads because you never had ANY warning of when it would come on. It would eventually stop being played for a couple months and I would get back to normal watching ads and then it would just unexpectedly be put back on again out of nowhere! I haven't seen it for over a year I think now so here's hoping they've scrapped it for good. It's actually vile for even a non emet to be sitting there eating dinner and it come on like that. I know it's for impact blah blah blah but hell, never seen anything this graphic on telly before.