God my stomach is being WEIRD! I'm actually not too anxious (which is a good thing) because I'm pretty sure it's a bad IBS flare up I've been havinf for the past week or so. Could I just have some opinions please?

Well I went to a Christmas fair today on behalf of my mum who makes like little sweet gift bags and all lovely stuff. I was nervous as I was doing the whole thing and was worried I wouldn't do her proud - silly I know!

Anyway, I had a hog roast roll at lunch. I wasn't going to because I NEVER eat meat out (unless it's beef) as that's just like my little OCD thing. But my other half persuaded me and it did taste AMAZING I must say!

So then I got some quite bad stomach pains and gurgling. I thought 'oh no' must be food poisoning but my other half was fine and he did say that because I never eat meat out it was more than likely me panicking. (He's very right on that one!) I went to the loo thinking I was going to have d* but it wasn't which suprised me. I had tummy cramps (I am on my period but they weren't period cramps) and only went a 'little' if you got me and I didn't feel very 'emptied.' Sorry way tmi!!

Then I've come home, stomach pains have been off and on and I've been to the loo twice within about an hour and a half?! The last time there was much more but I still feel 'unsatisfied.' The n* is coming and going. I THINK it's IBS/anixety but am a bit worried?