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Thread: New here!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default New here!

    I'm not sure if there is a specific area to post about being new, and I will apologize if I type something wrong, I tried finding a ground rules post but I couldn't find anything, so I apologize in advance.

    I've been dealing with Emet for 2-3 years now, and it comes and goes. I can be really good for awhile and then (especially in the winter!) it stays more and more.

    I had gone to a few sessions for CBT but the hours didn't work with when I could go (due to childcare of our youngest) but now she is in school 2x per week I need to go back and jump back into the CBT.

    My main anxiety isn't really about vomiting, i've narrowed it down to my anxiety is about my kids getting sick. IF they get sick, I handle it just fine, I certainly don't like the idea but I handle it with no issues. MY issues/anxiety over it is worrying about them getting sick and the 'inconvenience' of it. I find myself really worrying about it if they are acting not like themselves, maybe they are just simply tired, I tend to twist it in my mind that they are going to get sick in the middle of the night. Its the anxiety in my mind of waking up hearing them get sick. Gosh it sounds so silly typing it out but I know everyone here will understand me, and it feels better to type it out. I'm still trying to find something that will help me. I find myself driving myself crazy now especially come the holidays, we are going to be going here there and everywhere, and I just have anxiety that someone is going to get sick. Its never happened before, so WHY would it happen now is what I try and tell myself.

    I just would love to know if anyone else is in the same place as I am. I find myself lately more so worrying about myself getting sick. I think about it so often that in my head I think I feel sick. What helps me is taking a warm/hot shower and just trying to relax, it does seem to help.

    Often I ask WHY this, why something that I can't avoid, I wish I had an anxiety over airplanes or something that I could truly avoid, this is something I can't avoid.

    I can't wait to read thru this site more and get more information, and hopefully have my own success story to post.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Plainwell, MI

    Default Re: New here!

    You're not alone! Luckily you're and adult, and usually when kids get sick, the parents arent usually followed, because there more immune to the sickness But the fear of your kids getting sick, im confused? Your scared that they will get sick which makes you more prone to it? Or just the fact that you feel bad for them?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: New here!

    Quote Originally Posted by DylanRichards View Post
    You're not alone! Luckily you're and adult, and usually when kids get sick, the parents arent usually followed, because there more immune to the sickness But the fear of your kids getting sick, im confused? Your scared that they will get sick which makes you more prone to it? Or just the fact that you feel bad for them?
    It does sound silly but yea my anxiety is really over the 'unknown' of when and IF they will get sick. It really seems to trigger more myself as the anxiety of them getting sick if I feel like they are not feeling well or not acting like themselves, I automatically assume they are getting the stomach bug or something and they are going to get sick. It sounds silly but I worry myself to the point of panic (just in my mind, I typically don't let me anxiety show to anyone else) wondering if they are going to get sick. Like I said I can handle it IF they do get sick, I can take care of them, clean up after them, etc..its just the worrying part that is taking a toll on me Typically my kids rarely get sick, so i'm not sure where this has all came from but I just can't get rid of it. We do have very healthy children, knock on wood!

    Growing up my myself and even till now I can count on 1 hand how many times i've been sick, and yet I still can't grasp that my thoughts are irrational and that i'm losing sleep at times worrying about something that is unlikely to happen, and I know that even if it does it will be handled and it will be fine. I just WANT to be able to grasp that, and I just can't be 'okay' with that for some reason....

  4. #4
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    Also, its not as bad of an anxiety but lately just in general I have these feelings of myself feeling sick, not even relating to the kids, but I assume i'm running a fever or my stomach hurts, I just don't get it, sometimes its almost like the pavlov experiment, i'll take a little bit of pepto and i'm fine. Grrr!

    I'm bound and determined to not let this to ruin my holidays with my family. I need to conquer!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Plainwell, MI

    Default Re: New here!

    Thats a great attitude, and really it will help you in the long run. The biggest thing you have to be strong for is the "Dont worry till its there" Dont use all your energy for worrying when nothings wrong! Use your energy to play with your kids and/or friends! If you use all your energy on worrying or panicking, youll be sooo drained by the time your kids hit the pillow! Try and think of the positives in life! Its almost christmas!! Dont worry about it, theres nothin to worry about, your not nervous about you vomiting, so theres nothin to worry about

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New here!

    Quote Originally Posted by DylanRichards View Post
    Thats a great attitude, and really it will help you in the long run. The biggest thing you have to be strong for is the "Dont worry till its there" Dont use all your energy for worrying when nothings wrong! Use your energy to play with your kids and/or friends! If you use all your energy on worrying or panicking, youll be sooo drained by the time your kids hit the pillow! Try and think of the positives in life! Its almost christmas!! Dont worry about it, theres nothin to worry about, your not nervous about you vomiting, so theres nothin to worry about
    Thank you SO much Dylan, I truly appreciate it. I need to keep that in mind and just keep telling myself that when I feel anxious, and that i'm not alone in this and we will all get thru it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Plainwell, MI

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    Anytime Have a good weekend and a great christmas! If you ever need anything im here for you!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: New here!

    Hi there.. im a new one here, Im from denmark, so sorry if my english isnt so good as yours
    here in denmark we have a forum site,but it isnt so used. dont think the emet fobia is well know in DK. unfortuanlly.
    Im tired off having this fobia, and what thread starter writes, is my everyday thoughts. and i hate it. i think about everyday/night . dont sleep well because i always listen if my child (nearly 8 years) is about to get sick. its though.- hard and life destroying.
    If my husband get sick with V* i will escape, immidately.. even if its in the night- and after that im shaking, gets nausia (spell?? ) dont know what to do.. and its getting worse from year to year.
    Hope that i can get some good and understanding people in here..
    Hugs Helene.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: New here!

    Hi hoppeeswife, I actually just joined tonight because you are completely taking the words right out of my mouth - I am just realizing tonight that my anxiety and irrational thoughts are due to my concern that my kids will get unexpectedly sick, and mostly I'm scared of what activities we will have to miss, reschedule, especially at this time of the year!

    When events are scheduled that only happen once a year, like their Christmas program, I am so scared that we will have to miss it. Right now, my fear is the Christmas Eve program at church - I am singing and practiced tonight for it - what if I have to stay home with them due to sickness?

    It's just all in my head, and it feels so good to get it out into black and white, and see others who think the same things!

    I've been trying to stay off Facebook, because reading people's status about sickness makes me so panicked and think about when I was last with them - it helps to be ignorant!

    I'd really appreciate your tips on how to get this off my mind!



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