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Thread: Living life

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I have read though so many posts on here, and in a lot of ways I feel different than so many.

    I live life....that is the only way I can put it really. I go to work, I go out to eat, Im not thin by any means, I am not afraid to go out of the house, talk about my emet, have a child, or so many things I have read that people are afraid of, yet I know my emet is quite severe. I am not a "mild case" by any means... I freak when people cough, and I know immediatly that it is irrational, yet I still freak out...I cant go in public rest rooms, cant be around/near/ in the same house/building with someone I know has been sick....why am I different? Am I just more stubborn? Do I have a strong will, but cant get past the actual v***ing part of it all.....I dont know.

    In my 'normal' life, I have all the fears you all do....I just ignore most of them. I tempt fate alot....even when Im not feeling good, I'll have soup, or toast...with as terror struck as I am at the sheer thought of 'doing the deed' you'd think I'd starve, but I dont. Wonder why?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    hey there - dont wonder so much - i am pretty much like that too actually. I do go out to pubs/clubs/gigs/shopping/to eat but i do still get panicky sometimes. sick is always on my mind so to say!I even go in public toilets and i too have been tempting fate - ie eating when i think i shouldnt or eating 'unsafe' stuff - ie chicken. i even ate some out of data fresh pasta last night.

    but the thing is - i AM really scared of v*ing. and when i really do feel sick now then i just wanna die....

    ems x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    I am that way too. I live life (when I can because I don't work) by going to college, and I am in training to be a PI and will be working in that field in February, I go shopping, I have5 kids, and basicly....I love to go places.

    I am like you though...when someone has been v'ing, I stay away, and want to get far away! I too won't use public restrooms, etc. I have my little rituals and quirks too, and I know I am a severe case. I guess sincewe don't have the agoraphobia part of it, that makes us a bit different?? [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    yes-its def a lack of the agoraphobia bit - and the social phobia bit too which i know many suffer from here. I used to be very scared of going to places when i was 15/16 or so but luckily i think going to uni helped me alot to become more confident and just get on with life to some degree!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Yeah, college was wonderful for me, too - I think
    because it kept me so busy I didn't have time to think about v*.
    Looking back, college is when I was the least anxious I've ever

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I am this way as well. I lead a fairly 'normal life'. Yet I still have this fear, and it does knock me down. Yet I keep getting up after, and to me, that's the key.
    <font color=RED><font size=\"4\"> FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL----fear</font>

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United Kingdom


    I'm the same too, to the outsider I seem like a completely 'normal' person, but it's only when I'm faced with the fear that I become a wreck. The problem with emetophobia (as a pose to other phobias) is that it's harder to avoid situations that make you phobic, i.e. someone with a fear of heights stays away from tall places, but we can't always do that and I think that's why some people get scared to go out, in case they are suddenely faced with a situation and it's out of their control. We all have different coping strategies and we're all different in our abilities to face different situations that we may be presented with. It doesn't make the fear any more or less significant in the way it affects our lives.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    I used to be that way... why am I moving backwards????[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I know what you mean. I live life too. I am a teacher ---I go to school at nite---I love to get out and do things with family, friends or my husband. But, for me--alot of times it is the fear of the unknown. With v*, you NEVER KNOW when it could happen to someone (or even yourself in some circumstances.) Like helsbels said--if you are afraid of heights, you stay away from tall buildings. But with emet--it could sneak up on you at any time. Like in school--I will be having a perfectly normal day with my students---then, someone has a belly ache or gets choked a little a snack time (I have preschoolers). My heart sometimes starts to pound and I get nervous. So...it is definetly a challenge sometimes. But, I am getting through my days--some days are harder than others. Jen

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I still go out often as well.. my boyfriend even got me to go to an amusement park for two years in a row where I rode an upside down rollercoaster. I was very nervous prior to riding but I knew I had to try it. I kept talking to myself before and during the beginning of the ride.. and guess what.. I enjoyed it! We ended up returning to that ride three times because once I conquered it once, I felt a little sense of freedom. Three years ago, I was scared to ride a merry-go-round because I feared it would make me v*! I think that I have made several advancements but I still am not completely better. I got over agoraphobia but I still feel very anxious prior to taking a trip and I always over-evaluate situations before I commit myself to them. My point of this long entry is that you can live an almost normal life with emet.. it's just that when the possiblity of v*ing shows up, we freak out . That's one of the reasons I love these boards.. I hope through talking to people and if I keep trying to change my behavior towards V*ing.. someday I hope to completely overcome this. There are emets with OCD and there are emets with agoraphobia but there are also emets with neither of those additional disorders.
    What lies behind us and what lies before us are small in comparison to what lies within us.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Hey, I'm exactly the same way! I sleep, I eat (all the time), I go to work,and I go out when I feel like going out. This phobia is the only thing that keeps me from completely living it up. There are a lot of people just like you when it comes to this! Don't ever let yourself feel alone.


    **No one knows what it\'s like behind my green eyes.**

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  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I totally know what u mean. I have a "normal" life, and 'outsiders' would never guess that I have this phobia. To be honest,it doesnt get in the way of my day to day routines, i do what I have to do, and I enjoy myself, i go to parties, and admittedly put myself in some very un-emet friendly situations. But what the hell?! I love my life at the moment! Why live constantly in fear? I'monly 17!I like to push myself, and thinking afterwards about some of the things iv overcome is amazing!

    I havent had a panic attack in over a year now, the only timeI get anxious is when I feel really sick - usually because of eating too much lol.

    We're all obviously very strong ppl - we must be, to deal with this phobia dont u think?

    Rachel xxx
    <center><font size=\"2\"><font color=BLACK> If you\'re going through hell... keep on going... </font></font></center>



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