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  1. #1

    Default Really worried about Christmas day!

    I know I'm not alone in saying that I hate Facebook sometimes...

    Wednesday, my husband's uncle posted on FB that one of his kids v*ed on their brand new couch. Ordinarily this wouldn't be an issue since we rarely see them, BUT they decided to celebrate Christmas at their house this year and I HAVE to go. The post was followed by many comments saying things like, "I hope no one else in the family gets it!" It's really got me worried. The part that worried me most was that his wife responded with, "We are having Christmas dinner at our house, sick kids or not. If they're really sick, we'll just keep them upstairs." A few things about that really bother me. For one thing, she said "kids," so it now sounds like both of their children have it now and not just the one. Also, why would anyone want to expose their entire family to it? I don't want to eat any food that she has prepared and I don't want to even touch anything in their house. I wish there was a way I could get out of going. They live far away and we have several other places to be that day, so I don't think that we will be there for very long, but I'm sure that we will be expected to eat. Even if I don't eat, or eat food that I know she hasn't prepared, my husband will and then he will be exposed. I have thought about telling my husband that I will go see my family and he can go see his, but I'm not sure how that would go over with all of our family. Anybody have any ideas on how I can get out of going? Or possibly some ideas on how to prevent catching anything if I do have to go? I really need some help on this one, guys... Thanks :/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Really worried about Christmas day!

    Supposedly you can't catch the virus in the air, so that reduces your chances You can onyl catch it if you touch something and lick you hands. You don't have to go we always have a choice. If your husband knows your an emetophobic he should understand.
    Good Luck

  3. #3

    Default Re: Really worried about Christmas day!

    I know you can't catch it from the air, but they have two small children (which I'm sure have no sense of personal hygiene yet) and I believe that one of them is still in diapers. So their mom is cleaning up this mess and then preparing food for the family. My husband doesn't know that I'm emetophobic...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: Really worried about Christmas day!

    Good luck...make sure to keep plenty of sanitizer around in your purse...and wash your hands no matter what...but like you said you can't catch something from mid air so it should be ok.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Austin, Texas

    Default Re: Really worried about Christmas day!

    I would avoid sitting on the couch just in case they don't know how to properly sanitize the couch. The virus can live on surfaces up to 2 weeks. Keep your hands washed and only eat food that isn't prepared in close proximity with bare hands.
    My Jacob makes life beautiful.



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