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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default how long can I go without vting?

    I`ve been wondering for some time just how long I could go without doing "it". It`ll be 15 years in January. for me, That`s the main reason that I dread it so much, I think that I`m afraid of breaking my streak & letting myself down. Do other members think like this, or are they just scared of vting itself?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    I think like this, well I use too. When I was little I use to think that if I hadn't gotten sick within a year or two then it would happen anytime. but i'm also scared of actually doing it. not because of how long i've gone without doing it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    South East, UK

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    Time is irrelevant; you could go 50 years and it wouldn't make you any more or any less likely to v* than if it'd been 5 months

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    If I actually allowed myself to, I probably would v* once or so a year. The last official time it happened I was 16 and REALLY drunk (23 now) and before that I was 10. In 2009 and earlier this year I had d*h* really bad and the only thing that saved me from v* was having an empty stomach. I don't believe either times were because of an sv* though. I guess I should be pleased that I didn't 'break my streak'...but I think my anxiety level remains the same either way. I think the longer we go without doing it, the scarier it seems and the more time we spend fearing it. But people on these boards have (somehow) gone 30+ years without it happening. Beats me how they do it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    I can`t help but feel that if I resist vting as long as I possibly can, then I`ll end up with a stronger stomach, I may be wrong about that, but I have found it quite easy too avoid vting, I just stear clear of too much alchohol, & I wash my hands thouroghly, especially if I have to use a public toilet, as they are full of other people`s germs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    Quote Originally Posted by hairyfairy View Post
    I can`t help but feel that if I resist vting as long as I possibly can, then I`ll end up with a stronger stomach, I may be wrong about that, but I have found it quite easy too avoid vting, I just stear clear of too much alchohol, & I wash my hands thouroghly, especially if I have to use a public toilet, as they are full of other people`s germs.
    You do have complete control over drunken vomiting by choosing not to get drunk. You may have some degree of control over noro by frequently washing your hands and perhaps choosing to prepare your own meals at a time noro is going around like wildfire, or if you do eat out at least eat foods that are fully cooked and aren't handled, such as pizza for example. However what scares me is food poisoning. It's just completely random. Even if you cook at home, there is a chance your meat or vegetables could be tainted with e-coli. Food poisoning is rarely going to happen to you if eating in a first world country, but still, about half the people I know have been severely food poisoned at least once.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    I read on here a woman who rarely comes on hasn't v*ed in like 45 years, she has raised 4 kids and been around grand kids and only a few times caught the bug but only d* no v*! I applaud her! Mind over matter is what I try to do and think!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    It is claimed in an article about emetophobia that emetophobics actually don't vomit a lot and a lot of times it is because they feel nauseas for so long they allow themselves to get sick to feel better.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    Wow I love reading how long people have gone without it happening.... I'm nearly 19 and I was about 7/8 last time. I had a SV once when I was 16 (defo sv my best friend at college had it too) but i only had D! My mums 40 and she said she was about 8 last time too... And she's gone through 3 pregnancies! I'm so scared of it happening though! And I have sheltered myself from a 'normal' life the last 11 years as to not get it! Hmm I hate this phobia!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    United States

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    I have 3 kids and it seems like within a year after each one I got a sv. Before my first one I had not V* since i was 12. I had the first son at 20 yrs old, then withing a yr i got a sv from my sis-in-law, it wasnt so bad cause i didnt eat anything all day cause i knew she had it. then with the 2nd son i was 29 yrs old, caught 2 svs from the neighbors kids. V*d with one of them but not the other. Then had my 3rd son at 34, got a sv from the baby and didnt V b/c of antiemetics.( Zofran is my best friend) I know it was a sv b/c my two other sons caught it and my assistant. So i dont know if you can predict how long you can go without V*ing, i dont think time has anything to do with it. Its been 2 yrs this month since the last time i had a sv. I always feel nervous about it and very cautious. I wish i could be one of those people who never V. My husband catches EVERY stomach thing that goes around. I am getting ready to move to Japan, I am sure that me and my boys will catch stuff there because we are not immune to the germs there. We have not been exposed. Everytime we move my hubby is sick within 3 days.
    just keep resisting the V and you might be like some people on that have gone for 40 yrs or more.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    I've not v*ed since 1994. I was a couple of weeks away from turning 9 years old. For the first few years I was keen to keep tabs on things and end each year with a relieved sigh that I hadn't v*.

    Even though I'm terrified of v* more than anything else, I'm not so bothered by my record anymore. I just don't want it to happen, but if it does then, so be it. Can't believe it's getting on for 18 years though! Don't know where the time has gone!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    I am new to this site...I didn't realise there were people like me out there with this same phobia..It is such a relief to realise I am not a freak...I am 54 and have not v*d since I was under 4 years of age.. I have one son and 6 grandchildren who have all had various bugs throughout their lives and luckily I have not yet caught one of them..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    Wow suevok! You're streak gives me a lot of hope! I hope you find comfort on the forum! You're definitely not alone.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    Wow....in my house someone is v* every couple of months....I probably actually v* every couple of years....but definitely get the nausea and d* more often that that...

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    United States

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    I'm not actually sure when my last time was. I think I was in like 5th grade or something... so I'd be like 11ish. I'm 37 now. That's a long time.
    However, I did have a virus in January 2007 where I had d* from Thursday night to Sunday morning. It was horrible. My husband was out of town so I had to wait til my neighbor got home from work to call her and ask her to bring me some 7-up, it's all I could choke down. I "normal" person would have v'd and actually right before the d* started, I was sure I would v*. I remember thinking "this is it!" but then the feelling went away and I just had d* every 15 minutes for 3 days.
    Last edited by 2jo2; 01-06-2012 at 07:38 PM.
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    Although I haven't v*d for over 50 years it has still ruined my life...I have lost 2 long term relationships over it, as until recently I wouldn't tell anyone what my fear was and therefore dealt with it on my own..I felt a freak and so kept quiet about it...My most recent breakup which shattered my world made me seek help...I do intend now to try my best to overcome this fear and hopefully lead a half normal life...The one thing I cannot do and I don't kow why is be left on my own..Does anyone else fear this ?...I have to be with someone 24 hours a day and only a select few people will do...I have a friend who is staying with me at the moment...but who knows for how long ? if anyone else suffers this side effect do they know why it is ?

  17. #17

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    Its been 13 years for me and i feel the same exact way you do. Part of me feels if i do get sick, ill be proud and feel normal for about a day...but then be disappointed with myself that it happened...i dont even think ive felt like i was about to V* in the 13 years either. Of course i got such bad panic attacks i thought i was going to....but not legitimately. My anxiety causes me to feel like im sick a lot....but its all in my head. it gets me down in the slumps. i havent really felt sick since i was 10. Crazy huh

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Rhode Island

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    It has been 15 years for me (I am 24)...I have come close many times, but it's mind over matter I suppose. Even as a kid I only got sick enough to probably count on one hand. To be honest, its the "not knowing" that probably scares me the most about vomiting since it is something so foreign to me.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    west michigan

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    i don't think there is a set time you can go without. the body does it when it feels it needs to.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    Im a little bit like this as well. Although im only 16 so I havent gone that far yet. My record is 5 and a half years. I threw up in kindergarden, end of grade 5, last winter. Other times before that but those are the times since ive been an emet, of course I threw up more often not being an emet.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    United States

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    its been nearly 15 years for me....and I think " today could be it" everyday ...it sucks
    "It is the child that sees the primordial secret in nature and it is the child of ourselves we return to. The child with-in us is simple and daring enough to live the secret."

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States

    Default Re: how long can I go without vting?

    I have gone 36 years without puking. Sue who posted upthread has gone over 50 years. We have another member who has gone close to 50 years. I am in another emetophobia group with a man who claims not to have vomited since June 12, 1935. That's almost 77 years. Many members here have gone 20 years.

    I am still afraid of vomiting itself, but I often think of my streak when I think about vomiting. The last time I was severely nauseated, I knew that spending a few seconds upchucking would put an end to the nausea that would last another 12 hours, but I refused to do it. I am simply afraid to vomit, plus I was thinking about my streak making it to 25 years the next year, which was important to me. Also, being severely nauseated gave me the chance to put into practice strategies I often recommend to others about controlling nausea and keeping from vomiting. This is important. Every instance of nausea teaches us something we can use to keep from vomiting next time.

    And Hairy, even if your streak ends at 15 years, you can still say you once went 15 years without vomiting, which is probably a lot more than anyone non-emet you know can say.

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