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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Anyone on Zoloft ever switch generic brands?

    I've been on zoloft for years and when they came out with generic I started taking it because it was cheaper. I didn't have any problems. Now my prescription benefits company called and said once a year my husbands employer authorizes them to send a free 90 day supply of generic meds to their customers. So I said sure. I got them in the mail, I haven't needed to take them yet, I still had some left. But I know some people have bad side effects from generic after being on brand, but have you ever heard of people having different reactions to different generics? Cause of course I'm nervous that when I switch, it'll make me v or something

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Anyone on Zoloft ever switch generic brands?

    I have been on many SSRIs, anxiolytics, etc, stemming from panic disorder that I have been dealing with for the majority of my life (~25 years). As an emetophobic person, I'm always ambivalent to start new medications, especially ones that affect the sympathetic nervous system. I guess my point is, if you say that the medication is a "generic" variety of the same effective ingredient, then you'll be okay. And, in large part, i would find comfort in the fact that a lot of these medications can actually curb psychosomatic n* and n* due to anxiety. Give it a shot. Nervousness never conquers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Anyone on Zoloft ever switch generic brands?

    There is virtually no difference between a brand name medication and the generic form. I take sertraline (the generic for Zoloft) and I have no problems when I take it (the withdrawal symptoms I suffer is a completely different story). Both contain the same active ingredients. My medical professor stressed the importance of this topic because so many people seem to think it has many differences when that's not the case. You will be just fine on the generic!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: Anyone on Zoloft ever switch generic brands?

    Well I'm already on a generic. When I switched from brand name to generic I had no problems, but I'm switching from one company's generic to another. I know some people swear that generics and certain brand generics don't work for them and cause side effects. Thanks for the advice. I think ill just suck it up and do it!



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