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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Unhappy Noro here Noro there Noro everywhere? :(

    I started feeling sick at lunch today, I ate and I had horrible gas in my stomach I think I burped non stop for 3 hours :/ & I have alot of pain all over my stomach with mild nausea off and on. Its hour 6 with this feeling. Ive had 4 bms in 6 hours :S my stomach seems to be over active its not d* but I just generally dont feel good right now. Im kinda worried because I look on here and within the past 72 hours so many emets are posting about getting sick, people around them getting sick and today in class someone was saying theres a noro outbreak right now. Im so freaked out

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Noro here Noro there Noro everywhere? :(

    It sounds like anxiety...I don't see too many people on here saying they are sick, a few weeks back it was but now it is better. And to be the bearer of bad news people are always sick there is ALWAYS a sv* "going around". There is no time when it isn't in a city so to speak. It is bad right now because people are just over the holidays where they shared their germs and went out sick and didn't take good care of their hygiene and over indulged. So many people keep saying about noro outbreaks and personally it does irk me a bit but if it doens't come straight from the CDC themselves it isn't a outbreak it is a virus that multiple people have gotten. And if the media is talking about it, is simply because they are bored and need a space to fill so they dig and dig and dig! I think you are fine. Do you have any ginger or peppermint? Try to calm yourself, and put your mind in a different place rather then thinking strictly of a sv*...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Noro here Noro there Noro everywhere? :(

    Thanks, right now im having a TERRIBLE anxiety attack I feel like v*ing :'(

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Noro here Noro there Noro everywhere? :(

    I have been feeling like everyone has it too!! Everyone on Facebook seems to be posting about it but it is true that we just got over the holidays and things go around like crazy then. If your stomach is upset, drink some ginger ale. Try to do something to take your mind off of it if you can...read a book or put on a really good movie you love. I know it is incredibly hard to get over anxiety attacks. I feel so for you right now and I have been in your place as I'm sure we all have.

    If you're worried you're getting sick try taking garlic pills, oregano or colloidal silver. These can be found at pharmacies, GNC or other health food stores. All three of these supplements will not hurt you and will aid your immune system with fighting off nasty things.

    I hate winter!! Do you live in a cold climate or warm area? I am always curious how viruses are carried in different areas. I live in New England so the winter is the worst for illnesses.



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