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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Unhappy I have a question...

    Do most of you on here because of being an emet whenever you get nauseous for some reason you go into a panic attack because your nauseous which makes it like 100X worse then you end up feeling like your going insane and just want to break down?

    yeah happened to me earlier, I have been feeling sick all day with bad gas and indigestion. So I ate lasagna at like 8:15, had some chips and juice then went upstairs, out of nowhere I got this horrible gassy indigestion in my stomach that gave me very strong pukey feelings. It felt better the more I burped but it took like 45 minutes to finally calm down. I was pacing in the bathroom crying, shaking, holding my breath, praying, just trying to make it feel better. I wasnt in the bathroom because I felt sick, its really weird, when im nauseous for some reason, I love just hiding out in my bathroom listening to my music, does anyone else do that too? but anyways it sucked so bad, and now im just afraid to go to bed and its 11:30 and I gotta be up at 6:15 for school sigh i dont know. Im just afraid of throwing up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Default Re: I have a question...

    i only freak out when someone in my house is sick. im usually ok with nausea unless it's the intense nausea you get with a virus that you know it's time to V. then i freak out and pace, pray to the V gods and what not!



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