1. Recently has been a time of HUGE change for me. Positive change. My mum and I moved away from my abusive father to the town that I have always loved since I was little, I changed universities because the one I was at wasn't working at all for me, and have completely overhauled my life.

2. I label myself as a lesbian, but really I think my sexuality would be better labelled as probably... panromantic. I don't fall for people based on gender, and have just come out of a 2 year relationship with a guy... He was the first guy I ever had feelings for.

3. I'm an only child, but I'm not the spoiled kind. I do work for everything that I have.

4. I love animals. I've had so many different kinds of pets. Dogs, birds, guinea pigs, lizards, and ferrets to name a few.

5. My favourite place in the world is called Abbotsford Convent. It's an old convent about an hours drive away from where I live. It's a relaxed, lovely, historical environment with gardens and an amazing old building which is right next to a children's farm and there are lovely restaurants inside. One is called Lentil as Anything, and you only pay for your meal what you feel it's worth. Luckily all the food sold there is AMAZING. (http://www.abbotsfordconvent.com.au/)

6. I refuse to let emetophobia rule my life. Some of my friends only see the fact that I get anxious when someone is ill, but I make SUCH a huge effort in my life to not let it rule what I do. I think I'm succeeding.

7. I'm a singer, and I'm trained in Jazz and musical theatre, but my passion is opera. I have an almost 5 octave range, my high end range is the most impressive. I'm trained in the Estill method of singing, which is absolutely amazing.

8. My dream is to open a music and dance school which caters for people with disabilities. I've taught a music and movement class for people with down's syndrome and it was the most rewarding experience of my life.

9. I am overweight. I have PCOS so it's almost impossible for me to lose weight like a normal person which sucks, but I eat right and I'm losing maybe 1kg per month. It's slow but there's really not much I can do about it, I just get really annoyed when people who are obviously really thin and lose weight easily complain about how "fat" they are.

10. I speak fluent French. It's my favourite language.