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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Ok, I think that posting this will make me feel a lot better. A couple weeks ago, I came the closest to V'ing that I have in 10 years. I was having a giant anxiety attack, and had a stomach bug of some sort which I got from my dad, that just produced queasyness and an icky feeling, and no V or D (but it was WAY exaggerated by my emet- I was SO terrified of getting sick). I was sobbing hysterically, and couldn't blow my nose fast enough, so that mucous poured into my throat, and I gagged badly.


    I gagged/spit up some mucous, and felt my stomach churning like I was going to V (I was SO freaked out then and could easily have V'ed, if I hadnt' forced myself to calm down and realize that it was only my gag reflex and I was ok). But it was so terrifying and weird, and I can't stop reliving that moment and that feeling. After calming down, I was really, really hungry (I had a week long anxiety attack thing, and hadn't eaten in almost two days anyway). It gave me a sense of power, though, along with the usual crippling fear. I had almost V'ed and I was still alive!

    I am just wondering now if this counts as *real* V'ing. I haven't really been sick in 10 years. I did this spit up thing a few years ago when I had a chest cold, but for some reason that didn't bother me as much. I guess my "record" is still unbroken, and it is only scaring me so much now because I was under so much stress that time anyway. The whole thing still makes me shiver to remember!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    I know...I used to relive bad experiences like that all of the time...and it is horrible! I don't think that you spitting up phlem would count as v'ing, because you just basicly gagged up phlem that came from your throat and chest. Now if you brought up stuff from your stomach, then I would say you had v'd; but whatever the case is...you are still ok, and alive...just like you said!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    This phobia is very difficult to deal with, and I know how you feel in times of panic. When you start to panic, you just need to first count to 20 (or higher) until you have your mind off of your anxiety...then you can try and lie down and just meditate and listen to good music, and imagine yourself far, far away!! Believe it or not, it really works!!!

    Try not to relive that incident...you will only be more anxious. There is nothing you can do about it now, it is a thing of the past. Move ahead...and tell yourself, that "yeah, I almost v'd...but if I did/do...I will live; for my fear is irrational". Take care and nice to meet you!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] Charlotte

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Our minds can play nasty tricks on us. It sounds to me what made you feel worse was the fact that you were upset, and the buildup of mucous, which can upset your stomach. Either way, it's good to know that you feel better now!



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