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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    gorleston-on-sea, england

    Unhappy i need serious advice

    so, on saturday is one of my closest friends 16th birthday party. two of my friends organised it and asked me to be a host to, so i said yes. the only problem is its in a pub... im so nervous. obviously there is going to be drinking. two of my fears, along with people being sick due to alcohol. also my mum is taking me, my boyfriend, my bestfriend and her boyfriend and bringing us back the pub is like half an hour away, im so scared of the ride home in case someone is sick, they said 'there not getting drunk' but im not convinced. i want to go i really do and theresno way i can cancel because im a host and i really do want to go, its just the fear taking over again and i cant seem to reassure myself, but i dont want to ruin anybodys night by being me.

    i just have a feeling its going to go horribly wrong, do i tell my boyfriend how im feeling?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: i need serious advice

    Tell your boyfriend how you feel. You'll feel better knowing that someone knows you're a little nervous about the event. And it'll be good for you to talk about it instead of keeping it to yourself. (We're all guilty of doing that too often I think). I know it'll be hard, but try and have a good time. There have been plenty of occasions where I was so close to not going out because of my fear but I've ended up having a fantastic time. You cannot let this fear control your life all the time. Sometimes you have to tell it to fu** off! The more you do this, the less control the fear has over you.

    Let us know how you get on.
    "One day your life will flash before you. Make sure it's worth watching."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    gorleston-on-sea, england

    Default Re: i need serious advice

    Quote Originally Posted by RachelPedli View Post
    Tell your boyfriend how you feel. You'll feel better knowing that someone knows you're a little nervous about the event. And it'll be good for you to talk about it instead of keeping it to yourself. (We're all guilty of doing that too often I think). I know it'll be hard, but try and have a good time. There have been plenty of occasions where I was so close to not going out because of my fear but I've ended up having a fantastic time. You cannot let this fear control your life all the time. Sometimes you have to tell it to fu** off! The more you do this, the less control the fear has over you.

    Let us know how you get on.
    thankyou (-: xxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: i need serious advice

    Are any of your friends actually old enough to drink? Because a big party like that and they're bound to ask for ID, they're pretty strict these days!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    gorleston-on-sea, england

    Default Re: i need serious advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebecca85 View Post
    Are any of your friends actually old enough to drink? Because a big party like that and they're bound to ask for ID, they're pretty strict these days!
    no there not which im pretty happy about, my friend organised it all without thinking, i tried to warn her that hardly anyone will get served and shes convinced they will haha



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