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  1. #1

    Default Avoiding/hating people who have handled raw chicken

    Does anyone else hate it when a friend you know has touched raw chicken at some point in the day even though they probably have cleaned their hands very as well as they're now eating with them! but then are touching your phone or passing you something? I then worry that I have touched my mouth...

    What are the chances of passing salmonella like this? anyone know?

    Random worried biscuit question number 4

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    London, England

    Default Re: Avoiding/hating people who have handled raw chicken

    Oh my gosh I know exactly what you mean! Although maybe not quite so extreme haha I think you have nothing to worry about with being near people that have handled chicken.

    My housemates are AWFUL with hygiene, there is still a chopping board left unwashed in our kitchen that had raw chicken on it yesterday. And no one ever washes their hands properly after handling raw meat. It drives me insane, i'm surprised I don't have a panic attack every time I go in there. How can people not know to wash anything that raw meat touches... sorry for the rant!

    But generally I think we are safe, I could be wrong by I actually think you can only get salmonella if the chicken is infected...and most pieces won't be. Still, consuming bits of raw chicken would probably make you ill but not as extreme as salmonella



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