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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Terrified and panicking!!!

    I'm so sorry I post on here every day but I have something new to panic about every day I hate it!!!! Yesterday I woke up with D, I panicked about it as I always do for a few hours but then accepted it probably was a flare up of ibs which I suffer from! Throughout the day yesterday I ate and had normal stools after that!

    I never usually go out because im scared of catching illnesses from cramped crowded places like clubs but my friends invited me out last night and I hadn't seen her in ages, I was so scared but I made myself go anyway! I got quite drunk (Im a light weight) I had 2 vodkas and cokes and one double vodka and coke... I used to live in Spain and drink nearly every night though and a lot more vodka and the measures are a lot bigger there. But I rarely drink now which is maybe why I get drunk quicker!

    This morning I've woken up feeling really sick an my belly is swishing, so I went to the loo and had watery D!!!!! That's NEVER happened before only watery when I had an actual stomach bug 3 years ago, I wasn't sick with it just watery D constant for about a week and feeling really sick and I couldn't eat! I'm SO scared I must have a bug this isn't like usual hangoverness!!!!!! Omg what if I'm sick I can't be sick!!! I actually want to die

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Re: Terrified and panicking!!!

    Sorry for all the info.... Now the d is just like it usually is in my life (ibs or hangover wise)it was only watery once (so far) do I have a bug?! Whats wrong with me!!! I hate my life I hate being scared every day that today will be the day I get a bug!!!!!
    I always have a stomach ache because I'm scared of getting them and then I worry more! I know I brought this upon myself because I'm the one that drank but what if it's not because of that and Its a bug!!i just can't cope!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Terrified and panicking!!!

    I am just like you...
    You have the shits because you are scared...
    You do NOT have a bug...
    I'm also scared every day...
    I promise that you Do Not Have A Bug...It was the drinks...your body is adjusting and healing up...If it was a bug then they would still be watery and you would be much sicker...Fear causes the shits...Seriously...drink a little mint tea.

    Big hugs!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: Terrified and panicking!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Angie78 View Post
    I am just like you...
    You have the shits because you are scared...
    You do NOT have a bug...
    I'm also scared every day...
    I promise that you Do Not Have A Bug...It was the drinks...your body is adjusting and healing up...If it was a bug then they would still be watery and you would be much sicker...Fear causes the shits...Seriously...drink a little mint tea.

    Big hugs!!!
    Love the bluntness haha...

    But yes, it does sound like you have alcohol poops it happens after drinking a lot and it definately sounds like you drank alot. If you had a bug you would feel ten times worse....

    I agree also with Angie, try sipping a little mint tea or keep some fresh ginger in your fridge and eat a small piece.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    City of Bath, England.

    Default Re: Terrified and panicking!!!

    mint tea will definitely do the job!
    I'm from England too! I heard that ginger in hot water works for anxiety because it relaxes you? wonderful to sip :3 x



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