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Thread: i feel so sad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    gorleston-on-sea, england

    Unhappy i feel so sad

    i dont now why but for a few days ive been really down and depressed about my whole emet situation. My parents have been nagging me because they want me to get hypnotised. But im petrifed of the thought of not not being aware of what im doing or thinking&today my boyfriend said something that really made me feel crappy....most of my friends know that i have this 'phobia of s*' and some of mine&his friends seem to make fun alot, so this is what happend, i was with my boyfriend and two of his mates when one of them started making g* noices, obv i flinched and i turned to my boyfriend and said 'i think i might get hypnotised' so he replied 'really, you should' so i said 'i might but im scared' and he replys with 'ill get like 4 crates of beer' so i was like 'what?' all confused and he replys with 'i can actualy drink without it affecting you'....i nearly cried i mean the wave of guilt rushed over my entire body, i know he didnt mean it and we've talked about it but i cant help but feeling like im holding him back, he knows i would give anything not to have emet and i now the effect it has on my friends and family,it just reminded me on how much i can hold someone back bcause of my nervousness,panic&anxiety. it sucks feeling this way but i cant help it

    sorry for any spelling mistakes, im to tired to check hehe(a)

    has anybody else felt like this ??
    -were they just want to curl up in bed for days??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: i feel so sad

    Hi, ibekirsty.
    I never felt like this before. But since I read you post now I am. Thank you for thin amazing experience. Very nice of you.

    convert avi to mp4

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Kent, UK

    Default Re: i feel so sad

    I really know how you are feeling and i really sympathise with what you are going through. There is a lot of guilt and embarrassment associated with emet, i have had it since i was little and my sister used to make me feel so guilty when i ruined day trips out and meals out because of emet. You have actually been far braver than me as you have told all your friends whereas i have only told my boyfriend and my mum!
    Please don't feel like you have to feel guilty, you didn't ask for this and it effects your life FAR more than it effects anyone else's so you need to explain that to boyfriend.
    I hope you feel better soon

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    gorleston-on-sea, england

    Default Re: i feel so sad

    Quote Originally Posted by jess_colleen View Post
    I really know how you are feeling and i really sympathise with what you are going through. There is a lot of guilt and embarrassment associated with emet, i have had it since i was little and my sister used to make me feel so guilty when i ruined day trips out and meals out because of emet. You have actually been far braver than me as you have told all your friends whereas i have only told my boyfriend and my mum!
    Please don't feel like you have to feel guilty, you didn't ask for this and it effects your life FAR more than it effects anyone else's so you need to explain that to boyfriend.
    I hope you feel better soon
    thankyou for your support, it means alot, my friends didnt have a choice of knowing because i cant even count the amount of breakdowns ive had infront of them, i think there amazing for putting up with it as long as they do, i also have a little sister who makes me feel so rubbish, she knows how bad i can get and she decides to make it worse by making up that she has a stomache ache and she'll do it to get to me. its horrbile having this, i feel so rubbish!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    gorleston-on-sea, england

    Default Re: i feel so sad

    Quote Originally Posted by jess_colleen View Post
    I really know how you are feeling and i really sympathise with what you are going through. There is a lot of guilt and embarrassment associated with emet, i have had it since i was little and my sister used to make me feel so guilty when i ruined day trips out and meals out because of emet. You have actually been far braver than me as you have told all your friends whereas i have only told my boyfriend and my mum!
    Please don't feel like you have to feel guilty, you didn't ask for this and it effects your life FAR more than it effects anyone else's so you need to explain that to boyfriend.
    I hope you feel better soon
    also, me and my *ex* split up two days ago, it doesnt make me feel better.

    life does not feel good, ha, i feel like such a baby being so depressed because theres people going through so much worse, shame on me

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Kent, UK

    Default Re: i feel so sad

    i'm sorry to hear about you and your ex, it isn't great timing seeing as your emet is getting you down a lot too.
    I've been in your situation with siblings really not understanding, my sister thought i made it up to get attention and resented me a lot for taking all my mum's time due to my anxiety. Could you not talk to your parents about feeling down and not very supported and tell them how your sister is making you feel? Or talk to a close friend?
    You are NOT alone in feeling like this, i have only just let go of the guilt and shame i felt about my emet and have only now started to accept that it is something out of my control and anyone who can't understand can get out of my life!! Luckily i have a partner who is understanding and i am certain you will too.
    you are not being a baby or being stupid, there are people going through worse but that doesn't belittle your issues, as they are real issues to you that are affecting your life.
    I hope i have been able to help, if you want to PM me please don't hesitate, trust me, i know EXACTLY how you are feeling right now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    gorleston-on-sea, england

    Default Re: i feel so sad

    Quote Originally Posted by jess_colleen View Post
    i'm sorry to hear about you and your ex, it isn't great timing seeing as your emet is getting you down a lot too.
    I've been in your situation with siblings really not understanding, my sister thought i made it up to get attention and resented me a lot for taking all my mum's time due to my anxiety. Could you not talk to your parents about feeling down and not very supported and tell them how your sister is making you feel? Or talk to a close friend?
    You are NOT alone in feeling like this, i have only just let go of the guilt and shame i felt about my emet and have only now started to accept that it is something out of my control and anyone who can't understand can get out of my life!! Luckily i have a partner who is understanding and i am certain you will too.
    you are not being a baby or being stupid, there are people going through worse but that doesn't belittle your issues, as they are real issues to you that are affecting your life.
    I hope i have been able to help, if you want to PM me please don't hesitate, trust me, i know EXACTLY how you are feeling right now.
    your amazing, thankyou so much



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