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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    First period today; my teacher decides to tell us that his son v* last night and how he had to clean it up...and..

    ((((Gross/Trigger warning ahead: He preceded to talk about how when you smell v* you feel like v*, and then asked the class if they liked v*, like their own or others [he was joking, and everybody responded no while laughing] Then he tries to say how much money you could make selling a famous person's v*, all while one girl was make, annoying exaggerated gagging noises in the back. All this while I was feeling like crud to begin with. ))))

    I was just thinking "shut up shut up shut up" over and over again, but I had to remember that v*ing isn't really scary for other people :/
    Usually my teach is a funny guy, but today he crossed a very personal line.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    OMG I know right? I HAAAATTEEEE IT when people do that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    I do to. I try not to get angry cause I know not everybody's like me, but I really can't help it. I'm actually glad the people in my class don't have emet. It's a horrible phobia and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    No one likes to do it although ive heard of fetishes concerning it. Bunch of weirdos and id think that even if i didnt have this phobia. Ive seen the youtube videos of taking that V inducing syrup and i think these people are sick.

    Sorry for any graphic post.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Although i am emet i have a sense of humour when it comes to vomit, i still tease one of my daughters friends who projectile vomited at playgroup (12 years ago) and following my sons copious sickness last week i can happily talk about it and now laugh about the mess we both got in. But then again im quite happy to be teased about my dislike of sick and listen to others vomiting stories without any alarm or panic.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    Sounds really uncomfortable for you and I can totally relate! Does your teacher/anyone in your class know you have emet?

    I can have a sense of humour about v* though sometimes - it helps to try and see the funny side of many dark things in life. I do the same with subjects like death etc and I think that's why I have quite a dark sense of humour! It's a good way to ease the pressure and tension with difficult subjects. I suppose joking about v* is a form of toilet humour as most of the people I know who do so are guys.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    I would've come right now and said, nope vomit is gross and I have a pure hatred against it....it really makes me uncomfortable.

    Sometimes its funny (like in Bridesmaids) though that was very over exaggerated...and Family Guy makes it funny too. I dunno...guess it depends when you catch me in "my mood" depending how bad/good my emet is at a given time.

  8. #8

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    I have a sense of humor about other people vomiting if it's due to drinking or doing something stupid. But when it comes to me, there's nothing funny about it! Isnt' that strange? I can see that it's not a big deal in others and actually funny but can't see it in myself.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    I have to say though, if you are at home and it happens with somebody in the house and its so quiet in there, its terribly frightening, but if it happens like when a ton of people are around for me like its a distraction, than it doesn't bother me as much...sometimes....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    I can have a little bit of a sense of humor about v* but a lot of people tend to cross the line when joking about it and it's just tasteless to me...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    Maybe I was just having a bad morning, which made it extra unfunny, or something. I can see the humor in it sometimes (like with Family Guy) but other times, not so much. I think he crossed the line for me when he started talking about the smell, and the girl who kept "gagging" completely ruined it for me. (In hindsight, the part about selling a famous person's v* to get money from all the crazy fans seems kind of...amusing.)

    And to answer Kazzia, nobody in my class knows, but I had the chance to tell my entire class about my emet today, but I chickened out. See my history teacher writes these thing called starters on the board every morning, and basically their questions (mostly fun/silly ones or about food, but about serious things too) Today's starter was "do you have any fears/phobias?" which made me do a double take because it seemed too weird that one day he jokes about v*, then puts that on the board. He calls on people or takes volunteers to answer, and I didn't raise my hand. I could have, because one kid admitted he had a phobia of walking in front of people and falling, but I was still too scared. I didn't want to face any questions, or even worse, ridicule.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    London, England

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    Ah that sucks, I suppose laughing at it can maybe be a good thing sometimes, it trivialises it a bit. I think it would be good if you could let at least your closes friends know, I find me friends are very understanding so I now feel able to demand that they wash their hands when they come into the house!

    My housemates find being sick hilarious from alcohol. We have a 'chunder chart' where we record how many times people have been sick from drinking! I just don't get why you would be proud of drinking yourself to the point of sick. I'm the only one that's not entered the chart! Last week 2 of my housemates threw up in front of me from alcohol (end of exams celebrations)...it was terrifying! But at least they understood and told me I could leave. Those two incidences are now known as 'trauma vom' because I freaked so much!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    suffolk, uk

    Default Re: I forget that v* can be so funny to everyone else

    The thing is not many people like v*ing themselves, but most non emets dont see someone else doing it as a threat. Its a rather loose comparison, but my sister cut the top of he finger off a few years back, she fainted and my mum had to sit down as she was woozy, but i was hunting around the garden laughing to myself that i ws looking for half a finger! Of course i was concerned abourlt my sister, but the whole situation just seemed so surreal i found myself laughing. Of course afterwards she had to endure weeks of everyones jokes about it.
    We are all different though. In comedies lately there seem to be a lot of v* scences. My husband finds them hilarious, the more graphic the better seemingly. I am not at all fazed by blood, internal organs, bodily fluids other than v* or even dead bodies, but i know that there are alot of people that are....
    I think ive learnt that there is no "norm" in this day and age, everyone has different sense of humours, some i get, some i dont, but each to their own i guess x



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