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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    My weight has been very stable over the past few years, never moving out of the 199-123 range. So you can imagine how scared I wasa couple of days after New Year's when I suddenly weighed 114 lbs, even though I'd been in the low 120's just two weeks before then. I'd been suffering from minor appetite loss for the previous couple of days (I'd be in the middle of eating something and suddenly feel like I couldn't stand another bite). I blamed this on my very irregular eating habits over the holidays, and, sure enough, as soon as I got back to school and started eating at regular times my appetite came back and my weight approached its normal range.

    Now I'm back in the rut. Thursday night I was unable to finish abowl of Macaroni and Cheese, and I can't remember feeling genuinely hungry since then. I had some diarrhea Thursday night and Friday morning, after which I weighed 115 lbs. This morning I weighed 111 lbs, and now, having forced myself to eat a few times since this morning, I weigh 113.5 lbs. I've heard that longterm appetite loss is one of the earliest signs of cancer, and, being the hypochondriac that I am, I'm a bit unnerved right now.

    I had a fever on Friday and my abdomen has been a bit cramped over the past few days,meaning I've got some sort of an infection that mightaccount for the appetite loss. Butin all the infections I've had, I never had this scarce of an appetite and lost this much weight--I don't think I've weighed this little since I was in middle school. I'm on Zoloft, and weight/appetite loss is listed as one of its side effects. I'm onlyon the12.5 mg sample size,though.

    Has this everhappened to anyone else? Have you ever lost your appetite from several days to a week and lost more than five pounds asa result? Do you think I might be subconsciously afraid to eat because of my emetophobia? I'm not sure about that--I truly don't feel hungry, even when I want to feel hungry. Food still tastes and smells good.

    On the plus side, my waistline looksquite good . Thisgorgeous black skirt I bought in seventh grade felt like a corset when I wore it for my choir concert this past December, and now it feels comfortable enough to wearfor this week's concert...Edited by: juliet

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Hey before you start panicking about this cancer stuff which is very serious, you have to wait it out a few days just to make sure its not your period coming, or just your anxiety rising, because right now for about a week I've been eating like a pig, but usually for me I'm the opposite, I hardly eat, and I don't usually have an appetite, I once couldn't eat much for about 1 month and I lost 15 lbs,so try to relax and make sure its not something simple like that before causing yourself to panic...Let us know how your doing.

    Congrats on the body though!![img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]



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