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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Does my 7-year old have emetophobia?

    So, my 7-year old v* early January. Ever since she has been having bouts of n*, she calls “feeling icky” almost every day or every other day. She is avoiding dairy products because I mentioned they could be making her feel bad – and has lost some weight. She closes her ears if anyone mentions v* on TV or in a discussion. She cries and screams for me to sit in the bathroom with her when she feels “icky” and doesn’t want me to leave. She has been sleeping on an air mattress in her room because she is afraid to v* in her bed – sometimes holding a washcloth on her mouth with the trashcan near her. She has been to the school nurse 3 or so times because she was feeling icky in school, once cried hysterically enough that the nurse called and asked us to take her home. Her pediatrician wants us to take her to a psychiatrist to get anxiety medication. One question is, since this has been going on for only a month, is it too early to think it may be emetophobia? What should I do when she wants me to sit with her for an extended period in the bathroom because she feels icky – she usually looks so scared? Should we see the psychiatrist and let her know of my suspicions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Does my 7-year old have emetophobia?

    I think it is possible. I am in the same situation with my daughter who will be 7 tomorrow. We had a very bad experience on her birthday last year and it set the emet off. I have been emet since I was 6, so we knew it was possible that she had it. That birthday party was really the first time either if my kids had noro and it really set me off too and I have to admit my reaction was not the best. I was a mess for days and so was she. She lost weight, would only eat certain things and would have panic attacks often. We took her to the doctor and he sent her to a psychologist and then they set her to a psychatrist for medication. She is on prozac now and has come along way since last year but with her birthday being tomorrow her and I are both on edge. I would take her to the psychatrist see what they think about medication. I know ours said that if it affects her daily life then she needed medication and with my daughter it does. THe medication has helped, but the psychologist helps with learning how to control the panic attacks. I would just be there for her, as far as sitting in the bathroom I do not know how I would handle that, it would probably freak me out. I would start with the doctors and they will be able to tell you how to handle certain situations, at least ours has. Good luck and I hope she is ok!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hove, UK

    Default Re: Does my 7-year old have emetophobia?

    Ahhh both of your poor little girls, that makes me feel so sad for a kid to be burdened with something like that is awful. Marcy, have you spoken to your daughter and asked what it is about vomiting that is frightening her so much? Does she know about your phobia?

    If she asks you to sit in the bathroom with her, I think you're gonna have to muster every single ounce of courage you've got in your body and do it. This feeling icky, it's not because she's ill, it's anxiety and while it's scary for you too you just need to keep in mind that it's highly unlikely she'll actually be sick and just sit with her til she calms down and feels better and support her through it. Try and have some quite casual heart to hearts with her while you're sitting in the bathroom about how she's feeling and why and subtley put her at ease until her panic is subduing.

    I hope you both manage to get your little girlies sorted out x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: Does my 7-year old have emetophobia?

    It's possible that she's getting emetophobia. Especially the covering her ears when somebody mentions the v word on TV.

    She sounds like me too when I was in school. Is she having anxiety or bully problems there? I always had stomach aches in school and would cry because of those things. I went to therapy, but I don't remember anything else except playing Battleship and Ants in the Pants with my therapist....and doing an ink blot test....

    Good luck with her!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States

    Default Re: Does my 7-year old have emetophobia?

    It is possible. I have had the phobia since before I could remember, and I acted similarly. When I was about 9 my parents took me to a child psychologist, and it dfeinitely helped. I would take her to be evaluated. They are very nice, and if it is emetophobia they might be able to nip it in the bud
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Default Re: Does my 7-year old have emetophobia?

    If your daughter is afraid of vomiting or vomit and it prevents her from leading a happy, normal life then by definition she has emetophobia. It's not a disease or anything, it's just the name we give to people whose anxiety is directly related to vomiting. I would definitely recommend taking her to a child psychiatrist or psychologist. Start with the one your doctor recommended and if he or she doesn't help then look for a psychologist who is also a registered Play Therapist. They work wonders with kids.

    Good luck!
    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    new england/new orleans

    Default Re: Does my 7-year old have emetophobia?

    I'm 20 and I've had this phobia since I was 8 years old. It's taken me 12 years to figure out that other people suffer from this too, and that I need to seek help for it. I think that if someone had realized what I was going through earlier and I had started working on this when I was 8, the last 12 years of my life would have been so much more bearable. I would start looking into treatment for your daughter. If she doesn't end up having emet, no harm, no foul, but if she does, getting started early can only be a good thing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Does my 7-year old have emetophobia?

    Was that sv that she has in January terrifying to her? Was she violently ill? If this is a possibility then it's possible she is afraid of it happening again and at this age it much easier to get her successful help for the fear.



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