Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default new here and desperately need some changes

    I am a mother of 2 young children. I have suffered emetophobia my entire life and am finding it next to impossible to successfully take care of my kids when they are vomiting, may vomit, think their stomach hurts, etc. I am so excited to find this site! I didnt know it existed, but I am ready for a change. My son, this afternoon, got sick at school...no one told me. He told me when he got home he had gotten sick and I went into panic mode. I cant think, I cant function, I cant eat. This has gone on long enough. It is starting to plummit me into a depression and an urge to just leave until my kids are old enough that I can just close them in their room and tell them to take care of themselves...which is awhile. Any thoughts, success stories for motivation, advice would be so greatly appreciated. I look forward to talking to everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: new here and desperately need some changes

    http://www.cafemom.com/group/28669 I hope this forum helps. It's for mothers with emet. I wish I could give you some advice but I'm not a mom yet... and I am terrified of being one because of the emet. But my fiance really wants children and I do to. Just scared because I want to be there for them when they get sick. Anyway, I hope this will help

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: new here and desperately need some changes

    Hi MRobinson84

    I am new to this forum too and your's is the first post I have read. I just wanted to say I know how you feel. These are the exact same feelings I get when my children have stomach bugs or complain of having a tummy ache. I am restless, I don't eat in case I catch it and my theory is that if I haven't eaten I won't be sick myself and like you I find it impossible to function. The panic is the worst part by far though. I truly wish I wasn't like this. I have had counselling and wwhilst it gave me the pyschological reason I have the phobia it didn't do anything to successfully get rid of it. I am so pleased to read that I am not alone in these feelings.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: new here and desperately need some changes

    I am a mother of an 11 year old girl. I am as severely afraid to vomit as I believe one can get. I go to extreme lengths to avoid it. I've been hospitalized in the past for not eating and severe panic over this phobia. Once I had my daughter, I got a tiny bit better for a few years because her needs came before mine and I didn't think it was an option for them not to until the past few years, my fear is back with a vengeance. My daughter has always been an easy vomiter. She has gotten the stomach virus at the very least once a year for 8 years straight. She has never been in anyone's care but mine when she has vomited. Not even once. We have the routine down to a science. She knows my fear unfortunately and is a little afraid herself but I always tell her "there is NOTHING to be afraid of" and I believe it whole heartedly. I keep my hands washed, spray Lysol and wipe up with clorox continually while she is sick. You can only get a stomach bug from actually ingesting the vomit or feces of the infected person (yuck right?) but this can happen by not keeping your hands clean then touching nose or mouth.spray toilet with Lysol before flushing and if they get sick in bed place towels all over the bed that can be bleached and scoop up and place in washer with bleach and wash twice. All the sheets in our home are bleachable. I suggest you get therapy for this fear and try to conquer it but until then these are some survival tips. When someone in your family gets sick start taking massive amounts of vitamin C, zinc and anti-emetics (Dramamine or Zofran). Your kids need you, you CAN take care of them. You will more than likely never get it if you follow these instructions. I also make my daughter shower or bathe all while she is sick and keep hand sanitizer everywhere and ask that everyone in the house use it. Good luck-hope this helps

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: new here and desperately need some changes

    I don't have children because of my emetophobia(hmmm...think it might have started when my Mom was pregnant with my younger sisters and had bad morning sickness-I decided at age 5(while she was preg. maybe) that I wasn't having kids). I don't know how mothers handle kids being sick. I don't think I could. I too am so ready to be free of this anxiety. It's causing severe panic attacks, agoraphobia and depression. I'm seriously considering trying the emetophobia recovery system advertised on this site. I haven't found anything else out there to actually "help" this phobia. There's been times I wasn't so much bothered by it but now it's overtaking my life. Can't let that happen anymore. I want to try it and then post how successful it was and be able to tell everyone that I am much better! Wouldn't that be great? At least I have a little hope I guess.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: new here and desperately need some changes

    Orchid that's interesting about your mum's morning sickness. I've been talking about triggers with my psychologist recently and my earliest memory of freaking out is when my mum was pregnant with my sister and she was sick. I was only about 4 but i do think it might stem from that. (sorry MRobinson - didn't mean to hijack your thread it just caught my eye. I really doubt I'll ever have kids largely because of this phobia but I have enormous respect for those of you that do. Hope you find some help/ support on here!)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: new here and desperately need some changes

    That's why I guess it's good to keep talking about it, so you can figure things out. I honestly didn't think of that until just now. I have emotional issues with my Mom that may need to be disected so that I can fix those problems in myself I guess.

    I do give a lot of credit for Mom's with emetophobia who are out there. They are so strong!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: new here and desperately need some changes

    Lol, its fine! That was one of my first posts! Was surprised to see another comment on it the other day. And hey, if two people can find a common trigger from my thread, ill take that as a successful post!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Long island ny

    Default Re: new here and desperately need some changes

    Hi im a mom of a 2 year old boy. We recently got the sv* from chucky cheese. And guess who brought it home, not my son but me! He got it the next day after i did. I was able to put my fears aside and comfort my little boy even though i was weak from being sick the night before. Then my husband got it the next night. Now i was in panic mode. I disinfected everything a hundered times. My hands were cracked from washing but.... I MADE IT! When it was over i was proud that i took care of everyone. Stay stong. If i can do it, so can you! Good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: new here and desperately need some changes

    I'm not married yet, but i worry about finding a man that will deal with my issue, especially because i get panic attacks and because i'm a little scared to have children I want to have kids so badly thats for sure, but how am i going to deal with me during pregnancy!! i dont want to go through morning sickness, i cant! i keep telling myself maybe if i dont eat for most of the pregnancy then iwont get sick i worry about what im going to do when my kids get sick in the future! help :/



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