Hi Louise,I couldn't imagine how difficult it is for u with your exams coming up and feeling uneasy about sitting in the exam room....When i took my exams a long time ago i didn't have my emet or aniexty anywhere as bad as i do now....I have learnt to be honest to people about my phobia and aniexty because if u don't and try and hide it ,it just eats u up inside!!!!! If people do not respond well to what u are saying then they are not worth being your friends...They might find it hard to understand but u just need to educate them....And emet's are the best of course because they expereience it on a day to day basis...there are alot of people out there that hide their problems i.e yourself,so u say all your friends don't seem to have problems but they just might not show it.......Don't assume that u are different to other people......Your just a special person with a phobia....I'm agrophobic and have real difficulty getting out of my home the furtherest i go is to the field to take my dog for her walk it's about 2 mintue walk away,i haven't seen a shop in nearly 2yrs so we all have problems but we all deal with it in different ways.........I hope u can bring yourself to have a word with your teacher about sitting either near the door or maybe in a different room and if they say no then just visit your doctor and he can write a note....I'm sure they would rather u sit the exam then 2 have to miss it all together..............My fingers are crossed for u

Vicky xx

p.s have u tried ZEN aswell it's a natural remedy to calm the nerves and i've tried that bach's remedy it can't harm u it just calms the nerves,people use it when they take there driving test thats how little the alchol affects u!!!!!