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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    gorleston-on-sea, england

    Unhappy CBT,GAD and im so down.

    so, i had my first session of CBT and i was super nervous before hand because of my experience with counselling two years ago, to my surprise it was the women who i would have had if i hadnt of been put with a trainee. so anyway, i was a nervous wreck, i made my hand bleed from rubbing it too much, but i knew i had to tell her everything, so i did, she asked alot of questions, and we discussed alot of things, and talked about alot of things in depth,and i started to get comfortable with her and telling her things, and then she diagnosed me with general anxiety disorder..it crushed me.
    ive been so down in the dumps these past two weeks, and as much as i try i cant seem to pull myself out of it, and this has just made me feel so much worse. on top of that, for about two weeks also every single joint in my body has been hurting and ive been extremely tired, all ive wanted to do is curl up in bed.
    everything is just getting too much, i find it hard admitting that i have emetophobia and now i have g.a.d too, its so depressing.

    i see my therapist again next thursday, and i just cant even express how low i feel.
    i guess i just needed to vent, and get it all out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: CBT,GAD and im so down.

    I have GAD too! It isn't a bad thing! I was so relieved that I knew what was causing all my issues! Now that you know you have it, you can take the proper steps on helping you start to feel better! I wouldn't be sad about it. Have you ever taken any type of meds? I will tell you, once they knew what my "issues" were and I got on the right meds, man, I felt 100% better! Everyone around me told me that I seemed so much happier than I used to be, and I didn't even realize it! It is hard to say out loud to people about our emet. I know that feeling. It took me forever to tell my best friend about it. But know that the people in my life know how I feel, they help to "protect" me and help me through my low moments!! Keep your chin up! You WILL get through this!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    gorleston-on-sea, england

    Default Re: CBT,GAD and im so down.

    no body has said anything about meds too me, my mum wants them as my last option as im only 15, thankyou! im getting there

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: CBT,GAD and im so down.

    There are plenty of ways to deal with GAD other than meds!! But at least you have a name!! I am glad that you are getting there!!!!!



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