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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Warwick, RI

    Default My emet was tested today

    I was in the ladies room in the building where my office is talking to a (sort of) co-worker (my boss owns the companies we work for - me the law office and her the real estate co.). So we were just chatting away while washing our hands and she says to me "i'm freezing. i just drank a lot of cold water because i have post nasal drip". Me: "that sucks". THEN she says "i think i'm gonna be sick". I had no idea what to do - my feet stuck to the floor until I heard her close the stall and cough. I hightailed it into the hallway and waited so I could at least see if she was OK. She came out and said "i have no idea where that came from. And I can't get the toilet to flush" EXCUSE ME???

    Funny thing is she remembered my emet and kept emailing me to make sure I was OK. I did panic for about 10 minutes and used the upstairs ladies room from that point (even though where she was sick there are 3 stalls).

    So now I am more anxious because most of the time v* is associated with something - not just happening out of the blue.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: My emet was tested today

    Hun it was a mixture of post nasal drip and also the chugging of the water! When I drink to much water my stomach feels soooo gross.. def no sv*. And what a nice friend she is. Trust me no way its anything contagious even if it was which it is not you weren't anywhere near her.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: My emet was tested today

    Definitely chugging the water on top of post nasal drip. It makes your stomach all sloshy! And well done for hanging around to make sure she's OK! I would have found someone else to wait for her

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: My emet was tested today

    Yeah, I doubt very much it's the result of something contagious. For the reasons that the other members above said. I really don't think you have anything to worry about

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Warwick, RI

    Default Re: My emet was tested today

    Thank you. Deep down I know that, but at the time I'm freaking out like what does she have and am I gonna get it?? After talking to someone in my office about it, she told me that this person v* a lot for apparently no reason at all. I am somewhat proud that I could hang there for a minute, but I did make sure I was far enough away where I could not hear anything. Thank goodness she asked someone else to help with the non-flushing toilet issue.



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