Haven't been on this in a while, simple reason being I found myself becoming angry when reading some people's desperate posts (which I'm not particularly happy with myself for feeling that way)

Please don't get me wrong it wasn't a personal thing, more angry at how Emetophobia dictates some people's lives. I regard myself to be a severe Emetophobic, for the last 18 months I've put my body under so much stress due to my Emetophobia (find it difficult to eat and have lost a lot of weight) so I more than most knows how irrational, desperate, hostile, lonely and selfish it can make you feel.

Anyway I've come back, since erasing such silly notions from my thoughts regarding other peoples posts.
Youre probably wondering how this "babble" relates to the title of my post? Well im just getting round to explaining. I'm a mother to a 14 month old, now I'm sure most parents with Emetophobia can identify with me when I say having children can exsaserbate the fear. With having children comes regular upset tummies through sickness bugs, travel sickness, food intolerances and just the simple fact kiddies do tend to get physically sick often and sometimes for no reason at all. I could quite easily keep my little one indoors and avoid her from having any contact with anyone who is showing signs of a stomach virus or taking her anywhere where she may come into contact with it. Now the Emetophobic part of my brain would quite selfishly allow that to happen, but I'm fighting back. I can cope and accept how it is impacting me but I will not allow this to have an impact on her, her well being and not let her miss out on things. So she goes to every play group going, we go to our local soft play are 3 times a week, I don't constantly wash her hands etc. As I say, ignorance is bliss and that's all doing is ignoring these irrational thoughts.