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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Joined just now because I'm freaking out so bad

    So today I held an event at my flat for a society and this girl showed up and mentioned she hadn't been feeling well. She said that this morning and last night she had a fever, but she thinks it broke since she had been sweating. I asked her if she had the flu (since I can deal with respiratory illness okay) and she said that no, she thought it was some sort of stomach thing and that she'd been in bed and hardly eaten for 2 days. I was trying to be really cavalier and said something about how i was surprised she managed to make it since when i have that type of thing I'm usually wrapped around my toilet unable to move (while i secretly made a mental note of all the surfaces she had touched). Anyway, she said she hadn't actually vomited (then added 'yet') but had just been feeling really nauseous and I'm guessing she probably had diarrhea.

    By the end of the night she had some wine and ate some food so I'm guessing she was feeling much better, but now I'm freaking out that she had some sort of flu that I caught and I'll get sick. The worst part is I'm supposed to go on this weekend trip on Friday and I can't really back out, so I'm terrified I'll get sick while away AND I'm out of disinfecting wipes so I couldn't even clean after she had left! I just keep getting these flashbacks to last winter when I got incredibly sick and I'm so scared it will happen again!

    I've taken probiotic supplements, echinacea, eaten a salad with raw garlic, gargled salt water, and taken a bath. Erghhhh. I've been dealing with this fear for as long as I can remember and I'm so incredibly tired of it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Joined just now because I'm freaking out so bad

    As long as you washed your hands before you ate and were cautious around her which you were.. it doesn't even sound to me like she even had d* just that her stomach wasn't feeling good. I'm sure she took a shower before she went there so that's good..honestly you will be fine. You took all the right precautions and she didn't expose you at all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Joined just now because I'm freaking out so bad

    thanks... I'm starting to think I will be fine



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