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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sydney Australia

    Thumbs down Hit a new low! Help!

    I've been trying really hard to not worry so much about potentially getting sick, but this morning my necklace fell off and onto the floor at the mall. I picked it up and put it back on without even thinking but now I'm scared of getting something. That's an new level of thought for me and I know it's irrational but the floor of the mall can't be clean and now all over my hands. Help me please!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Hit a new low! Help!

    Have you put your fingers in your mouth? I would just take the necklace off, wash it and then wash your hands and then wash your next the next time you shower.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Hit a new low! Help!

    I agree with JellyBn, you should be fine. Just clean the necklace and your hands. I'm sure the stomach virus wasn't on the floor anyways, so I don't think you'd be getting sick that way either. I mean, there's a possibility that someone v*ed there and it wasn't cleaned properly....but really, what's the chance of that happening if you're walking around a huge mall? I'm sure they clean the floors daily, and as long as you weren't putting your fingers in your mouth and you wash your hands before eating, then you're fine.



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